HELP Starter Relay - 94 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP Starter Relay - 94 XLT


February 12, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Auburn NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT 4x4
I have searched and read the manual and still having trouble getting the truck to start

On the starter relay how specifically do I connect the cabling

there are two screws and 1 push down terminal

2 Positive wires from the battery

1 fusable link

anything else I am missing?

THa manual (after the fact) stated to label the wires so they are not confused - will I didn't and I am?????

Ill take a picture now and update

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OK Thought I was done with this, but no.
I replaced the battery with a brand new one, now the headlights are on!?!?!?
They are not full low beam strength, but they are on. How can this be? If anyone has an idea, let me know.
I looked up a battery disconnect switch, but they seem to require cutting the battery cable connection off and there is no way in hxll I'm doing that with a brand new cable.

What are your chances you can find another 94 you can look at or take a picture of? Quite honestly, I don't know what you've done to create the condition you have, but I'd pull it all apart and leave it until I knew it was right.

It should be a fuse/relay in the under hood electric box.

It should be a fuse/relay in the under hood electric box.

I'm not sure what you're telling us there.

Let me see if I can help you with the wires. There should be a heavy cable from the battery. That goes to one side of the solenoid. It should practically fall into place to show you which side it fits. Next, there should be another heavy cable that goes to the starter. That attaches to the other side of the solenoid. There should be a wire with a round female connection that looks like it has threads on the inside. That slides over the push down terminal. Now, someone over the years may have cut off the push down terminal on the wire and installed an eyelet that uses a small screw on that terminal. So don't let that confuse you. This is the wire that actually gets 12V on it when the key is turned to crank. It controls the solenoid. Test it with a meter if you're not certain. The wires with fusible links go on the same stud as the cable from the battery.

need help please

ok turn the key nothing out of solenoid i can start with screwdriver but not key i replaced solenoid and same thing i checked and i do have 12+ volts comeing out the slide on wire when key is turned :salute: please help
