Help! Stumped by Trans / Transfer problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help! Stumped by Trans / Transfer problem


May 9, 2013
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City, State
DC Metropolitan Area
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer
Hello all,

My 02 Limited 4x4 truck flashes the O/D light after a certain speed and feels like it has tremendous drag on the truck after you let go of the gas. It's either the tranny or the 4x4 system so I wanted to start by testing the 4wd system.

I was told by a mechanic that you can manually switch the 4x4 on and off and test the 4wd shift ability by either switching the 4wd shift motor externally or by taking out the motor and switching something inside the transmission, but can't find anybody anywhere with a diagnostic routine around it, or any supporting information about how to do this.

Has anyone heard of this test, or is familiar with how to do it? Do you have to start the truck and put it in neutral to do this, or can it be done in park?

Also, does anyone know of a good and practical diagnostic test for the 4wd system that applies to 02 - 05 explorers?

Any help is much appreciated!

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Seeing as no one seems to have experience with this, I'll make a suggestion.
Pay a shop to diagnose the issue. Will most likely save you a lot of time.
Then, you may be able to fix whatever it is they find to be the issue.

Wow, at least I got a response.

I am interested in that option, but I'm afraid that all they will say is that "Yes, it's a 4wd problem but we don't know where" or "Yes it's a tranny problem, but we don't know specifically what" and then I'm out the diagnostic fee of $200 and no better off than I was before.

Additionally I have been plagued recently by bad mechanics. We took an expedition to Pepco for a CEL and it was an EGR issue, but no idea what was causing it. The mechanics claimed that we'd need to replace the exhaust manifold for about a grand! I bought the manifold and a trusty friend of mine comes by and we get into a conversation about it, turns out it was the EGR sensor itself! A $70 easy fix! There was the mechanic that did the AC evaporator work on the 96 Benz S320 without All Data and COMPLETELY screwed our car up!

So forgive me if I'm kind of leery of taking it to a mechanic at this time, I have nobody around I can trust and my good mechanically inclined friend is overseas! Does anyone know a mechanic, or anybody in the DC area that would be interested in taking a look in exchange for monetary compensation?

Hey Dude:
just saw this...flashing O/D can be really bad. I had that happen to me, needed a new tranny. total cost 1700 bucks

As long as your 2002 is not stuck in 4X4Low, you can disable the 4X4 system by pulling the power fuses for it. It's an electro-mechanical clutch system, so without power it cannot engage. Look in your owner's guide for which fuses those are. They will be in the fuse box under the hood near the battery.

But this sounds like a transmission problem as mentioned. Flashing OD indicator is transmission problem of some type. Look on Yelp for transmission shops in DC with good reviews and make some calls. Good luck.
