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Help! What is this part?


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March 28, 2007
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1999 Ford Explorer XLT
I have a 1999 Explorer 5.0. I'm in the middle of changing the transmission fluid and filter for the first time. When I pulled the pan off, this part was at the bottom of the pan and I have no idea what it is or where it goes. Does anyone recognize this part?



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It just a factory installed plug that the tranny ships with. It plugs the hole your dipstick eventually goes into. It's always in the pan upon everyone's first tranny opening. :D I did this same post about 5 years ago. :p:

So, it's no biggie. Just take it out.

Hahahah.. here is my thread from 2002 about it:

What a relief. Thanks for the quick reply. Now I'm back to work.

Boy did I just breathe a huge sigh of relief! :eek:

Apparently I wasn't the only one changing my fluid/filter for the first time today :D

I searched all over trying to figure out if that plug fell out of something or broke off something. When I didn't see any visual evidence, I just pressed on, did my filter change and bolted everything back up.

One thing that worried me is the filter has no mounting bolt. I'm paranoid that it's going to fall out and settle to the bottom of the pan.

Wow both 99's and there first trans service!

Yeah... first time I've done this myself. About three years ago I took it in to have a fluid/filter change at a "reputable" transmission shop....

Now that I've read up on this mystery plug, it makes me wonder if they did anything at all to my transmission for the $100 I paid them. :mad:

Hindsight is 20/20. Now I know that I can do it myself, though. :cool:

if it plugs the dipstick hole how does it get into the pan???

Is it put in from the pan side to plug the hole???

Kindda weird! It would get me wondering as well......

It's put in when the Trans is assembled. The fill tube isn’t attached to it at this time; it’s attached on the final assembly line. The plug is in the trans from the inside of the fill tube hole when they put the fill tube in it pushes the plug out into the pan, and stays there until your first fluid change.

It just a factory installed plug that the tranny ships with. It plugs the hole your dipstick eventually goes into. It's always in the pan upon everyone's first tranny opening. :D I did this same post about 5 years ago. :p:

So, it's no biggie. Just take it out.

Hahahah.. here is my thread from 2002 about it:

Excellent thread there, that was the biggest laugh that I've had today. There were over six members in a row who didn't know what the plug was. It was great to see those members as the now senior posters.

I learned that stuff in about 1980 on my first trans rebuild. All Ford automatics have the dipstick plug in them when new, I save them for future trans storage, they're great. LOL,

No Dipstick Now?

So THAT'S why they quit using dipsticks altogether! Saved 1-cent on a little part no longer needed! ;) imp
