Help with very bad body roll/swaying | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with very bad body roll/swaying


New Member
November 19, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
I installed a rough Country 4" lift also put the coil spacers and add a leaf that I had in it for the leveling kit. Also installed 2" body lift. Has 16x9x33 tires with 2" wheel spacers. I put the sway bar on in the front with a steering Stabilizer no sway bar in the rear. When I drive on highway and change lanes or hit large bump I starts swerving and almost lose control. It seems like any type of steering correction I need to make it wants to wonder or like its sliding around.

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Put the rear sway back on. I’ve seen this before on lifted first gens. You can get some quick disconnects for when you go off-road, or just pull the bolt on each side and bungee the bar up and out of the way.
Alternatively, get some really stiff rear shocks.
<edit> After rereading your post, did you get an alignment after lifting?? That’s crucial after lifting TTB truck.
Also, what you describe sounds like the steering linkage is not lined up with the axle beams anymore after lifting. Sounds like what you’re getting is called bump steer. If your kit came with a dropped pitman arm, it’s not long enough (common in kits). If it did not come with one, you need one badly.

That's what I was gonna try next was putting the rear sway bar back on. Are the rough Country 4" lift springs and shocks on the softer side the front end seems bouncy when its sitting in the driveway and i push down on the bumper it's almost like the bounce you get with bad shocks not that bad but similar and the shocks are a week old. Thanks for the advice.

i got alignment after lift but all the guy did was adj the toe he said the camber and castor were in spec the print out showed they were in spec but not the middle very close to being out of spec. I put the skyjacker FA600 pitman arm the linkage is just about level with the ground looks pretty close to the same angle as the axle. it kinda feels like your on a boat when it starts swerving (if that makes sense) Also it dosent seem tippy or like it has exessive body roll when i take a normal turn on side streets unless i just dont notice it cause im not going as fast.

No idea if longer end links would help your roll/sway issue,
2nd Gen "Custom" Anti Sway Bar Links, Cheap!

Same applies to rear except longer.
Rear Sway Bar End Link Question (91-94)

No reason given why they MUST be parallel.with LCA's.
Polyurethane Sway Bar End Links and Bushings
