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December 8, 2007
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la vista nebraska
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 explorer
OK, got a real problem. I can not locate the ignition switch in my 92 xlt. O'Reilly's says I have to take the steering wheel off. I am not talking about the tumbler, I replaced that this morning. I have no cel light and no fuel pump prime when trying to start. My mechanic says to replace the ignition switch. Please any help would be appreciated. I have been banging my head on a wall trying to locate it.


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Hold on just a second there....
I had the same symptoms, and it ended up just being one of the relays under the hood.

I'd check on those first if you haven't already.


I did replace one of them. It was clicking when I tried to start it. The mechanic says its a bad ignition switch and tumbler. Replaced the tumbler, but am unable to locate the switch. Just hoping I don't have to take the steering wheel off. I really don't have the know how or tools for that job.

ign switch should b under the steering column shroud. just remove the bottom one and you should be able to access it. I would check your eec relay first (pcm relay). you don't have to pull the steering wheel.

Yes, if the PCM relay is out, they the CEL won't come on and the fuel pump won't work either.

I just finished replacing my ignition switch and key cylinder. The ignition switch on my 92 was on top of the lower part of the steering column...a real pain to get too.... Steering wheel removal is very simple with a puller. Just remove two torx screws from the back of the wheel, opposit of the horn pad. Once those are out, the horn pad will come off. You will have to unplug the horn\cruise harnes..snaps out easily. Now, completely remove the center bolt holding the wheel. This will allow a piece of metal that covers the puller holes to be removed. replace the center bolt, but do need to tighten all the way. Install puller and walla.

hope this helps......
balexander 1992 eplorer xlt. 206,000 miles and still going strong!

You don't need to take off the wheel. Just unbolt the steering column support bracket from the fire wall (2 big bolts i think). Then the wheel will drop down into the drivers seat and you can access the ignition switch more easily. You will need to remove the plastic dash panel below the steering wheel to allow the wheel to droop down (this is only held on with 2 small bolts). It makes the job not so bad.


Sorry I haven't posted this sooner, was down with the flu. Got the tumbler and ignition switch in, still no start. Have replaced one of the relays, going to replace as many as I can afford this week. Will let you know how that goes. Appreciate all the help.
