Hi all - Newbie here | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hi all - Newbie here


December 11, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Reading, Berkshire
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000, North Face
Hi all,

My name is Mike and I live in Reading in the UK.

I've just bought my first Explorer, in fact it's my first 4x4 after a long line of luxury saloons, such as BMW 7 Series and, currently a Lexus LS400 that is now for sale.

Anyway, I now have a 2000 North Face with 125k on the clock and a full Ford service history. Doesn't seem to rattle from cold and drives really well.

A couple of things I have noticed is that the light telling you a door is open stays on, as does the interior light if its in the middle position. However, there is a beep if you open the doors which isn't present until a door is actually open? Also, the stereo lights up, but there is no sound and the display is blank.

Anyway, hi all and any ideas with these problems would be greatly appreciated.


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welcome mike


I'm at a loss on the issues, as I think Euro-spec radios are different, as is the dome light situation on the Euro's... :(
