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Hi to all...


October 4, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
97' Exp.Sport
I'm new to the forums ... but I've Been reading the great info posted here for years....I want to say thanks to all the people who gave of their time and knowledge to help the rest of us...thanks again !!!

OK...now I have one Question...I have a 97' explorer sport 4x4....lately my 4w/4w low dash lights have been flashing on & off occasionally...nothing seems to be wrong, but it gets my attention and I would like to find out what's causing it.

I've tried searching and reading the forums, but to no avail !!

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated !

Thanks for your time, GFG

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I'm new to the forums ... but I've Been reading the great info posted here for years....I want to say thanks to all the people who gave of their time and knowledge to help the rest of us...thanks again !!!

OK...now I have one Question...I have a 97' explorer sport 4x4....lately my 4w/4w low dash lights have been flashing on & off occasionally...nothing seems to be wrong, but it gets my attention and I would like to find out what's causing it.

I've tried searching and reading the forums, but to no avail !!

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated !

Thanks for your time, GFG

Welcome to the site. Here's a link to a thread on the board that should help you out.


Hope this helps,

Thanks 1ATony....

That at least gives me some things to try....

