HID / Xenon's on an 02+ ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HID / Xenon's on an 02+ ?


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April 8, 2006
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04 XLT
Anyone have pics, a how-to, etc?

I'm trying to decide if I should get them, which ones, etc...

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HID bulbs or HID projectors? A how-to for bulbs would just be wire everything up and plug in the bulbs.

I would not go with that kit. Get something by Philips/Osram/Sylvania/Hella/Bosch. These companies have proven, reliable products. I've heard many stories of noname ballasts dying after a month of use.

They have a year warranty on them. But yea, you might want to go with a name that has proven themselves.

every single lightbulb on my 02, of all 8, are sylvania silverstars.... i had PIAA for a while, but i personally think silverstar is much whiter and brighter


Silverstars are nice but there's only so much you can do with halogen. HID is many times better.

I like silverstars, but I want HID. What exactly are projectors and how easy/hard would they be to install in an 04 X?

I might go silverstars with my fogs (??)

i think silverstars are a complete waste of money, i bought a pair for my fogs a while back and they arent much diff looking than stock and are flipping expensive for regular bulbs, hids are the only way to go.....ive had McCullochs G5 kits in my lows/fogs for a while now and have had no problems what-so-ever, and you cant beat the look of a 6k color bulb...

HID "retrofit" kits are JUNK in my opinion and they cause excessive glare to oncomming traffic since the factory headlights are NOT designed for use with HID bulbs. Either get HID housing (if avalible) or go with silverstars. Please be considerate of other drivers on the highway. I may be a bit bitter on this but local law enforcement has been cracking down on this in my area and I've gotten stopped 3 times and got 1 ticket for "illegal equipment" due to the FACTORY HID lights on my Lincoln Mark VIII. I had to go to court with my owners manual to get them to throw out the 180$ ticket. The reason for this is there is ALOT of people with "retrofit" hid kits in my area and the blind the hell out of you where as Factory HID's don't.

Actually the ballast and bulb kits are not retrofit kits. They're plug-and-play. A retrofit requires modification to the housing, which is what needs to be done to install projectors. I'll agree just the bulb and ballast kits put out excessive glare.

A projector retrofit requires widening the hole in the back of the headlight. Use a holesaw or Dremel to accomplish this. Next you install the projector, making sure to adjust the screws to better aim it. Next you put silicone around the hole with the projector installed to ensure nothing can get inside. It's fairly straightforward. The hardest part is finding the right-sized projector for the lens.

although i get wut ur saying huskyfan, xenon is actually not a halogen...

just throwing it out there

but yea if ur looking for something blue i would suggest wut the others said

for just a bright white go with xenons

I dont think Huskyfan ever said that xenon was a halogen....

I was thinking 6k-8k HID... maybe projectors? I'll buy new headlights and cut those...

02_ex_on_dubs: cool man, thats the kinda look that I want, but I've heard a lot of bad about McCullochs.

Silverstars are halogens, are they not?

Stock HID bulbs on most vehicles are ~4300K. The higher temperature you go, the better the color but less the light output. Projectors are the safest and look the cleanest, but they're much more expensive than the typical HID kit. I've heard of people getting pulled over around here for HID kits but have never been pulled over for my projectors, and I see cops all the time at night.

This place has all the info you'll need. I've been out of the loop since I got my retrofit done. I'm probably missing out on a lot of new technology.


blitzk said:
02_ex_on_dubs: cool man, thats the kinda look that I want, but I've heard a lot of bad about McCullochs.

yes i have also heard alot of bad things about McCulloch but most all of them were problems with the old kind of ballasts they used, i havent heard anything out of the ordinary about the G5 kit, and ive had my lows in for over a year now and not one problem has occured so im a satidfied customer....

no silverstars use xenon...

bigapple said:
no silverstars use xenon...

If you mean that as in "they dont use xenon", you're correct...

from: http://www.sylvania.com/ConsumerPro...formance/Silverstar/FrequentlyAskedQuestions/

Q) What is SilverStar?
A) SilverStar is a line of replacement high performance halogen headlights. SilverStar lighting halogen headlights produce a whiter light that is closer to the color of natural daylight.

Q) Are SilverStar headlights high intensity discharge (HID) or Xenarc headlights?
A) No. SilverStar is a street-legal halogen upgrade that gives off a whiter light than standard halogen headlights and is comparable in color to HID headlights. A pair of SilverStar headlights cost $39.99. HID headlights, which last the life of your vehicle and offer other advantages, cost a few hundred dollars.

jesus blitz take it easy.....

i didnt really need research but umm thanx?

No prob man, only took a few seconds to look it up. ...just the facts

02_ex_on_dubs said:
i think silverstars are a complete waste of money, i bought a pair for my fogs a while back and they arent much diff looking than stock and are flipping expensive for regular bulbs, hids are the only way to go.....ive had McCullochs G5 kits in my lows/fogs for a while now and have had no problems what-so-ever, and you cant beat the look of a 6k color bulb...

Hey man... What are the exact size/type do you use for the floods?

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