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HID Xpert Q & A thread.


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November 11, 2005
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Great, thank you!

No problem, pics are below. I will grab some better ones I am out of town visiting family currently so I am taking from my computer. Also part numbers are vast, I can get bulbs for any application out there. Tell me what you need and I can get it for you. 9000 series are super common and I can obtain those easy. I can get anything from 3k color bulbs up to 12k if someone really wanted it! Most common purchases I get are 3,5 and 6k bulbs.

All kits come with Bulbs, Ballasts and Ignitors for plug and play capability

35w Slim Kit - $99 + shipping:


55w Prolumen Digital Slim AC Kit - $155 + shipping:


70w Digital Slim Kit - $220 + shipping:


So what would you recommend to use to replace both high and low beams? Maybe even my fogligts. I know next to nothing about HID conversions.


The second picture is actually a recent install of the 55w kit on my new Ducati :) I fit everything on that tiny plastic piece which bolts to my fairing.

Cozmik - Great question, basically most people just do the low beam and their fogs since the high beam is rarely used for extended periods of time (will save you money as well. I would recommend a 55w for your low beams and 35w for your fog lights. Color matching is what I prefer at 6k which is a white light with a hint of blue. Gives you awesome light output with some good looking color?

The low beams are bulb number 9006 which is very common to get and your fogs are 9145 or H10.

Is that your eddie baur in your avatar? I miss mine!

Thanks for the quick reply. Going to HID is something I'd definitely like to do this summer. As for color, a slight blue tint is what I'd like, so sounds like 6000k is the way to go.

Do your kits come complete with bulbs etc or do you just provide the ballasts and plugs?

And yes, the avatar pic is my EB. Its by far my most fave vehicle I've ever owned.

Hey good point, should add to my thread YES these kits are plug and play and come with the bulb, ballast and ignitor everything you need to make a lot more light and get the color you want.

Any kind of warranty on the ballasts and bulbs?

Yes sir! We offer a one year warranty on all kits that includes bulb, ballast and ignitors.

Before anything leaves the warehouse it is tested, EVERYTHING so you should never ever receive something that is not in working condition. Things things are put the to the test, we have dipped ballasts in buckets of water and fired them up. Been in the freezer, the oven and banged with a hammer haha. But they do not stop working.

We have dipped ballasts in buckets of water and fired them up. Been in the freezer, the oven and banged with a hammer haha. But they do not stop working.
This reminds me of the old Timex & American Tourister commercials. It would make a great Youtube short video to promote your product.

That would be hilarious, maybe I will give that a try sometime.

Yes sir! We offer a one year warranty on all kits that includes bulb, ballast and ignitors.

Before anything leaves the warehouse it is tested, EVERYTHING so you should never ever receive something that is not in working condition. Things things are put the to the test, we have dipped ballasts in buckets of water and fired them up. Been in the freezer, the oven and banged with a hammer haha. But they do not stop working.

Thanks for the reply. I hope you don't do all that stuff to them before you send them out.

Haha I mean I could send you one out like that, 50% off! JK :)

If you install a hi/low kit of yours, how do you compensate for the check bulb warning? Its for an 2008

tonym - I have never heard of this happening in vehicles I have done or sold to previously. I know the 2011 has no issues since I just did a few of those. I will look into this and do some research. If you already have some threads on the forum you could point me to I will check those out as well.

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tonym - I have never heard of this happening in vehicles I have done or sold to previously. I know the 2011 has no issues since I just did a few of those. I will look into this and do some research. If you already have some threads on the forum you could point me to I will check those out as well.

Thanks. I have not posted yet, as it was purchased from a non-EF vendor. Its my brothers truck. Its an 08 limited. He installed them with a relay harness and they work, but he gets the check bulb light.

He removed the relay harness and plugged them directly into the the bulb sockets and the low beams work fine, but the high beams hum real loud.... I think he is going to return the kit. I do not like the manufacturer he chose. I may direct him your way.
