High version & Low version Explorers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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High version & Low version Explorers?


Active Member
February 25, 2008
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City, State
South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
I was reading my owners manual awhile back and read that there was a low version and a high version. Mine must be the high version I had to go to a junkyard and buy the factory running boards b/c my wife, kids and mom were all complaining that it sits too high. I was just wondering what would have to be done to my X ro make it a low version. I don't want any cutting the springs lowrider kinda junk. Mine is a 2wd v6, I use it for every day driving.

Does the lower version ride any smoother?
Mine rides like I have cement blocks for suspension. The only thing on the suspension that I have not replaced is the upper ball joints (which by the way, the boot seals or almost gone) and the coil springs, they "appear" to be fine.

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I have no idea what you're talking about- there were V6- 2WD, 4WD, auto 4WD, and V8- AWD versions. Aside from the 4WD and 2WD actual ride heights, (I don't know if there was even a difference) there were no "low" and "high" versions based on ride height.

Are you sure you're not reading about 4WD "high" and 4WD "low" range operation in the manual?

Joe I swear that I read it in the manual, but now I can't find it. Well, wherever I read it, it was referring to ride height.

I may have seen it when looking for a part. You know when you use autozone online or other programs like that they ask you what engine?, what type of tranny?, blah blah blah.
The only reason it made any since is b/c I have seen alot of Explorers that look lower than mine.
It may just be the body trim over the fender well that make it appear to look lower to me. Like the trim on eddie bauers and some others may have it like the limited, etc.
I was just hoping I would like mine to sit a little lower. Without throwing off the alignment and all that good stuff.

Mine rides like I have cement blocks for suspension. The only thing on the suspension that I have not replaced is the upper ball joints (which by the way, the boot seals or almost gone) and the coil springs, they "appear" to be fine.

IF the boot seals are gone, They should definitely be replaced soon. BTW, your explorer has NO coil springs in its suspension anywhere, there are torsion bars in the front and leaf springs in the rear....

You can easily lower the front by adjusting the torsion bars. You can lower the back by putting a block between the axle and the leaf spring since it is a spring under axle.

There were Explorers (UK) that Have the rear end go up and down with an Air system. It would go up when 4x4 was Enaged and then down when it was regular. <----If I'm not mistaken. Anywho, Like I indicated, they are Mostly UK vehicles. Is that what you're talking about?


my 98 limited has a switch for the air ride...normal and off road is said to raise explorer 1 inch for off roading I guess I never use it.

Indeed, the only possible difference in the 2nd gens is that *some* of the V-8 Explorers came equipped with an air spring setup. I'm not a fan of them myself as the replacement parts are expensive, and it's just another way to soften up a truck. (If you wanted a car, you should've bought a car IMHO).


I think walnut is talking about high and low series interior center consoles. The high series is the fancy one with rear air, the low series is for stripped down explorers.

I went all through the factory manual. I swear thats where I saw it. I just remember seeing hi version and low version. Oh well. I guess the reason why I think that I have seen other explorers that appear to be lower than mine is the one's like Eddie Bauer's with the fender flares and all the running boards. I bought some factory running boards a little over a year ago and mine "appears" to be lower than it used to b/c of the running boards.

I have the owners manual for my '97 saved as a pdf file on my puter. I did a search through it using some of the terms you used, but came up with nothing dealing with ride height.

Look in the section about suspension and air ride(ARC). The air ride trucks did set a little lower normally. I recall testing a 2WD 95 Limited(ARC is stock in 95-98 Limiteds and Eddie Bauers). That truck was almost two inches lower than another Explorer(4WD) parked next to it.

Replace your shock absorbers, they are surely bad, Bilsteins are generally the best. Inspect all of the ball joints and CV boots if you have them. Replace all of the bad parts.

FYI, the ARC trucks had softer stock springs, front and rear, those did ride a little softer. Regards,

I did a search in the online manual and couldn't find it. I don't know where I saw it. Maybe I using Autozone online or something like that and saw it there or one of the other retailers websites. Lord knows they have all the wrong answers.

HI, I've got a 2000 XLT in Australia which has ARC, I've read my Haynes manual & it states that it lifts an inch when put into 4WDH then lowers itself when put back to normal. It also states that these models come with "softer" sway-bars, also that under no circumstances should you jack/lift them up even to change a tyre without first turning the ARC off or you could do some damage. The switch (in RHD versions anyway) is in the rear compartment where the jack is.
Mine does bugger all except make noises (solenoid) & moving just a wee bit, if you look real, real close that is. The computer is also supposed to adjust ride on/by what your drive conditions are, who knows? LOL

p.s. Am looking at doing a coil over leaf to get rid of that "sponginess" in the rear, specially with the extra weight of the extra fuel tank & spare wheel.

Haha! I've seen this too!

I was reading my owners manual awhile back and read that there was a low version and a high version. Mine must be the high version I had to go to a junkyard and buy the factory running boards b/c my wife, kids and mom were all complaining that it sits too high. I was just wondering what would have to be done to my X ro make it a low version. I don't want any cutting the springs lowrider kinda junk. Mine is a 2wd v6, I use it for every day driving.

Does the lower version ride any smoother?
Mine rides like I have cement blocks for suspension. The only thing on the suspension that I have not replaced is the upper ball joints (which by the way, the boot seals or almost gone) and the coil springs, they "appear" to be fine.

I'm going to look also... I think it was on the video that came with the vehicle(2nd gen, my 96) :D this is too funny!

I'm going to look also... I think it was on the video that came with the vehicle(2nd gen, my 96) :D this is too funny!

A video came with your 96 explorer? Hmm...wonder if there's any on youtube yet.

A video came with your 96 explorer? Hmm...wonder if there's any on youtube yet.

They are there for the first gens, I've seen them. Do some searching and I'll bet you can find it.

They are there for the first gens, I've seen them. Do some searching and I'll bet you can find it.

I seen them a month or so ago, they're neat.

And bout the Hi/Lo I didn't answer anyway...but I thought that all the explorer's came in the same height. Except the possibility that what you read was about the switch allowing the explorer to raise an inch when the switch or 4wd is activated.
