Hood scoop question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hood scoop question

Mr. Alligator

Explorer Addict
November 30, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Tampa, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT Explorer
Ouch. Last week, a driver ran a red light and damaged my front clip... so I am working on the project.

One of the things I want to add is a hood scoop. It will be artistically (I hope) matched with the newly designed flames... and I am going to install a fiberglass bolt on scoop, not a plastic tape on scoop.

Question: should I make it “functional”, by cutting openings in the hood under the scoop? It seems like it is more “honest”, but will it be more trouble than it is worth when it rains? What do our experts on this Forum say?

Thanks in advance!





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I don't see the benefit of having a true intake there since the air intake box is remotely located and AFAIK, can't easily be moved there since there is MAF and vac plumbing? I suppose it would cool the engine more in extreme environments.

Then again I don't see the benefit of having the hood scoop at all. ;) Since it has no worth when it rains, it can only be more trouble than it's worth. Flip it around backwards and put gauges in it?

It will let the hot air out. It's great in the winter as
the hot air is suck down at the base of the windscreen.
It will be not so good when warm or hot!

Before I swapped out the hood on my 00 Ranger I installed a hood scoop from a Mustang II Cobra II & kicked around the idea of making it functional but never followed through because I got a killer deal on a different hood. I still have the hood scoop & I am thinking of putting on my wife's 99 Explorer Sport.


After more consideration, you should change the flame graphics to a dragon and move the hood scoop forward to the edge, fiberglassing it into the shape of dragon nostrils, and plumb a fuel line plus spark plugs there so it becomes a flame thrower. Real flame > paint flame. :angryfire:

Dragon? More flames and some fire? Love it!

Before I swapped out the hood on my 00 Ranger I installed a hood scoop from a Mustang II Cobra II & kicked around the idea of making it functional but never followed through because I got a killer deal on a different hood. I still have the hood scoop & I am thinking of putting on my wife's 99 Explorer Sport.

View attachment 323778
The hood scoop looks great. Well done.

Dragons Lmao it's not a 70s- 80s van

I had a car with function hoodscoops. Bought a whole new fiberglass hood with air channels on the underside. Had steep ridges with weep holes for water management. Sounded great really let’s you hear the throttle pullin air

IMHO - I think everyone needs a good laugh this week!

So for all those considering a hood scoop, I suggest consulting commercial #2 in this compilation of 3 TOTAL :)

Just click the Red/White PLAY ARROW > and let 'er go!

Swedish Actor Peter Stormare at his finest - these VW commercials are classic comedy!


Ouch. Last week, a driver ran a red light and damaged my front clip... so I am working on the project.

One of the things I want to add is a hood scoop. It will be artistically (I hope) matched with the newly designed flames... and I am going to install a fiberglass bolt on scoop, not a plastic tape on scoop.

Question: should I make it “functional”, by cutting openings in the hood under the scoop? It seems like it is more “honest”, but will it be more trouble than it is worth when it rains? What do our experts on this Forum say?

Thanks in advance!

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View attachment 323747

View attachment 323748
used a 01 mustang GT scoop on my X 2001 mustang gt air scoop - Ranger-Forums - The Ultimate Ford Ranger Resource

The Mustang GT scoop looks great!

I used jeep Cherokee stainless steel hood vents on my BII....to let some heat OUT
underhood is "slightly" crammed with the 5.0 in there and a small body drop.....
I think putting some holes in your hood is a GOOD IDEA, let the air flow........ but it all depends on where the holes are cut and which way the scoop points. I am not into scoops and vents for "looks" although they do look nice I could not live with myself f it did not function.....


@410Fortune ... I like the idea of vents, to add a little security. (Don’t want to suck in geese).

Are the Jeep Cherokee vents stock? Where did you get them? How did you set them up?

