hoping this the right forum first of all.. | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hoping this the right forum first of all..

definitely a vacuum leak(duh...) so hubby wants to try it hisself anyone want to point to a useful thread? One that will possibly detail the procedure
? ya know type of tools needed, pictures. I have been looking, he does have his book. the answers have been incomplete or just not enough info I suppose. Our pc super @ home super sucks... I will continue to keep looking.

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sprayed maf with brake cleaner only drove a couple of blocks didn'die as usual...

am i right or wrong? i (yolanda) think we have a second generation....

we'll have to invest in some testers... I Think he was finally able to find them and they weren't hooked up. they didn't work and neither did the new one he bought (and hooked up as well). friend of the fam mechanic didn't show (again)so wasted our saturday when we could have taken it to the shop and had them break it down and give us real estimates and causes as well. He said try him again today -earlier. we are both doing research, but that's really what it's going to take - a shop. We need the tools and the know how! LOL my poor husband... thank you everyone for your help! updates as they come

does the cig lighter work?

most testers need 12 volts at the connector, the connector uses the same fuse as the cig lighter.

its a 20amp fuse under the dash or on the side, of the dash depending on year.

Hey waskly, thank you for replying!1 998 ford explorer no cigarette lighter, just the hole... sigh... intend to get the testers this weekend hopefully. Been trying to find a video or step by step procedure with this particular engine. Kevin will be attempting to fix this vacuum leak. He needs to know what tools to get to break it down. I wish him luck, because he will need it. Currently searching the forum to find more info/videos it's a 4.0 sohc engine.

Fam mechanic friend doesn't have the time or will to deal with it. Referred us to some mobile mechanics he deals with to come and take a look, and give us estimates - but they are swamped until Sat- possibly next wednesday. We want to learn, it'll take us a lot of overtime and just plain time to be able to afford a shop now that other stuff has come up. :navajo:

if its a vacuum leak just follow all the rubber hoses around the engine, make sure none are disconnected, etc, also, just on a quick side note, its a 1998 ex with a plastic intake they all sound like a vacuum leak. but to make sure, just look at all the rubber lines to from the manifold, make sure theres no holes in them, all connected etc.

the pcv is in the back of the engine between the firewall and middle of the upper intake manifold a little hard to see but make sure that it is in and connected.

on each side of the intake in the back there should be 2 lines, one on each side, and under the left / right side of the intake should be on each side 2 connectors with white clips. make sure all that is connected and the hose to the iac is also connected under the plastic over that says sohc 4.0 held in by 4 7mm bolts.

i'll look up the fuse number so the tester can work but i need a little time. i'll edit or bump this with the fuse to the dlc / cig lighter.

waskly, thank you. I will make sure KP sees this when he gets home.

does the cig lighter work?

most testers need 12 volts at the connector, the connector uses the same fuse as the cig lighter.

its a 20amp fuse under the dash or on the side, of the dash depending on year.

I asked kevin to just check them all out, but I Think he just concentrated on the 15's. I will remind him about that.:D

(KP) Thanks waskly.. I will be looking at it this weekend and I found step by step instructions on the upper and lower intake with pics as well. The bad things is NOW my tranny when out completely the only gear I could drive in sliped and would not slip back into gear..so once I do the work on the intakes I have to wait until I get a new tranny to see if that worked. so once I get I get those two main things fixed I can start on the little thing. And thanks again for you help

:navajo:kp has 1 -and a possible- brake jobs lined up as well. Busy, busy, busy. Started "him" up(after 3 days) as kp calls it yesterday it roared!!! played with the idle, idle too high, then too low, then roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! lol! :) updates coming... may have to push "him" back into the driveway. Proud of the hubby starting his first of overtime missions to get "him" right. Thank you for reading...

The transmission in these things are crap !! I have a 5-speed manual trans that I am putting in this spring. If you can drive a standard , that's a great way to avoid $1800 rebuilds ( now or in the future !) Also, rebuilt trannys aren't warrantied for very long ! My .02 . Brian

Hey Brian, can't drive a stick(yp)... a year warranty is the best we could hope for... Kevin is beginning the overtime so we can get the engine and tranny together hopefully. Bad purchase on our part, but we are gonna fight to get him up and going.:navajo:


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I wouldn't say a bad purchase, just a little time consuming trying to figure out what is really going on.

if you hit the right combination of things it just might come alive and all will be fine.


I wouldn't say a bad purchase, just a little time consuming trying to figure out what is really going on.

if you hit the right combination of things it just might come alive and all will be fine.

yes that could be true... Hopefully the overtime @ kp's job will be solid and he can raise the funds for the work it needs. I'd like to have one of my own as well. They are very nice and full of potential. He teases me about off roading. I've seen stuff here I wouldn't have imagined, let alone try! :):navajo:
