How about a trail ride at Windrock in Oliver Springs, Tenn. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How about a trail ride at Windrock in Oliver Springs, Tenn.

The one I go to is, try windrock or coal creek mining and manufacturing company or rattle rock or oliver springs TN. in a seach engine and see what all comes up. I have found several different sites showing pictures from the area. I saw a segment about "wheelin in the country" on the tv show trucks acouple of weeks ago. That looks real nice didn't you go there? Maybe we can get a ride up there for later in the spring after we see what happens on this one.

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A friend of mine that has a jeep and I are going to windrock today to look around. I am going to try and make a plan for our run. I am usually on an ATV but I will take the Exploder this time and see what trails it likes. I will report back.

I would love to go on this, if nothing else to see :rolleyes: some of you guys from the east again. But it just too far (6 hours) for a 1 day run. Work is nuts :eek: now and will be through April, so no time off (other than some weekends) for me.

This is yet another one of those runs that will depend on my employment situation. If I have a job I'm in, if I'm still unemployed I'll stay home.

BTW Bionic, if you're up for some local wheeling I'm game. I just moved to the area and know of no local spots.

for the run lets run G1 up to the windmills and work our way back down from there on differnt trails according to what kinda vehicles we got riding with us.... as it looks now im gonna be on tiny tires.:mad:

Sounds good nissanboy. Do u want to meet somewhere in nashville and travel together on the way up there. Ive never been there before so........ Also Matt, do u want to meet up also if your employment sitiation works out and u are able to go.

yeah ill meet you at the gas station right across from the airport... BTW does anyone have some old 31's they want to get rid of?

Do u want to meet somewhere closer like the 100 oaks mall. THat sucks about the 31's, i sold some to my friend about a month ago.

Originally posted by nissanboy
yeah ill meet you at the gas station right across from the airport... BTW does anyone have some old 31's they want to get rid of?

I have 2 Goodyear Wrangler RTS tires that you can have, i dont know how to get them to you but I dont need them at all. THey are both 265/70/16, a 31-10.5.

got 15" rims so those wont work.... thanks for the offer though.

Mabey tax returns will come in time for me to buy lockers and tires for the run.

Sweet i have some good news, about 5 of my friends from school are going sothis will be real cool woth a lot of people. Ok who are the people that are going for sure?

im 90% sure i am going... will be mroe for sure when time gets closer.

THis is screwed up, my friends i found out are going the 4th,5th,and 6th. I not sure now if i want to got then or the 29th. By the way i looked up in the callender and the 29th is a sunday i think. Can anyone confirm this.


thought i might post some pics of the trails we may be running for you guys who have never been.

these are the trails our club designated for Modified rigs. i.e limited slip diff or locker and at least 32's. THey are passable on 31's with no limited slip but you will need strapping

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here are the stocker trails.

Do u have any more links or pics chad?

not that are still active... i can check around and see if i can get some pictures rehosted.

so what did you think of those pics?

mind you those are all slightly modified nissans... 3" lift max and possibly some 33" tires in there.

pics were pretty cool. Some of those trucks looked stock. The trails didnt look that challenging though.


those pics can be decieving... the big set of pictures was the stocker run, very easy stuff. the smaller group of pictures was the modified run and those trails will be challenging. All of those Xterra's had rear lockers and were having a hard time. You wont be dissapointed with the trails there.

The top link didnt work. I think i will have a good time there.

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