How do I fix a rattle in the dash??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do I fix a rattle in the dash???


Well-Known Member
September 23, 2002
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'05 Toyota 4Runner SE V8
I have a '02 Sport with only 2000 miles on it. Since I got it, I've noticed a rattle on the left side of my dash, seems to be coming from the air vent on the far left side. How do I fix this, I really don't want to have to take this to Ford to get fixed because it takes so long to get any service done, no matter the size of the problem. Is there any easy way to fix this?

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its getting to be really ANNOYING!!! can anybody help me???

IT`S NEW take it back to the dealer ! let them find out !! you paid big money for it ! so let them work for it !

Your X is under warranty, let them deal with it. Finding a rattle in the dash is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There is no easy way to find it, in some cases it can require removing the entire dash.

very good point....I will just have to try to find the time to take it to them

i just hit the area that a rattle is coming from. usually works ... sometimes makes it worse. :confused:

take it back to dealer.. although they will likely say they didn't hear it. i suggest making them ride with you to hear it.
