How much can a Bumper Hitch Pull? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much can a Bumper Hitch Pull?


Active Member
June 23, 2022
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Flat Rock, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 SporTrac
I recently got a 2001 Explorer Sport, Just trying to figure out, Could the Bumper Hitch Pull a Small trailer loaded with a 2019 Polaris 450 Utility Edition without needing to worry about getting a Normal Hitch?

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I recently got a 2001 Explorer Sport, Just trying to figure out, Could the Bumper Hitch Pull a Small trailer loaded with a 2019 Polaris 450 Utility Edition without needing to worry about getting a Normal Hitch?
whats the weight of the trailer and the rzr? i think it could pull it but if you plan on doing any towing regularly j would look into a bolted or welded onnhitch

whats the weight of the trailer and the rzr? i think it could pull it but if you plan on doing any towing regularly j would look into a bolted or welded onnhitch
Just a small ATV, I'll grab a photo of it and add it too this reply, I need to get a trailer but I'm not planning on getting anything bigger then a 5x8 for it, Not gonna be towing anything other then this

Polaris 450.jpg

Most are rated at 3500 and 500 on the tongue

Just a small ATV, I'll grab a photo of it and add it too this reply, I need to get a trailer but I'm not planning on getting anything bigger then a 5x8 for it, Not gonna be towing anything other then this

View attachment 430864
yeah youll be fine. that dont seem heavy in the slightest. shel pull er just fine! however as said if ya plan to tow that regularly i may look into a frame mount depending on hownoften ya tow

yeah youll be fine. that dont seem heavy in the slightest. shel pull er just fine! however as said if ya plan to tow that regularly i may look into a frame mount depending on hownoften ya tow
Yeah eventually I will I can get the money for one, Thanks for the help!

A more correct or complete answer is yes, but you might not like it.

I have a 5x8 trailer I pull behind my 4WD Sport Tracs. Both trucks have a Curt bolt on receiver hitch with a 2" drop ball mount. The 2" drop puts the top of the ball just above the surface where a ball would mount in the bumper. The trailer sits level with the 2" drop. A bumper mounted ball will be at least 2" higher and the trailer will likely not sit level. The rear of the trailer will drag going in and out of driveways that aren't street level, going over speed bumps, etc., especially if the trailer has 12" wheels like mine did when I got it. I upgraded to 14" wheels shortly after I bought the trailer. The Sport bumper isn't the same as the Sport Trac, but the ball mount surface is about the same height above the ground. If your Sport is 2WD, the bumper won't be as high, and the trailer will sit more level.

The other thing to consider is only 4 bolts hold that bumper on. That's not a concern in itself, but 2 of the 4 bolt holes in the bumper brackets are slots that allow some adjustment in leveling the bumper. When you see a bumper that tilts downward, you can bet someone's been towing with a bumper mounted ball.

Also consider, the 3500 lbs bumper rating is without significant rust.
