How much does it cost to have a new key programmed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much does it cost to have a new key programmed?


I'll have another...
March 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
I ordered my girlfriend one of those flip keys for her Fusion, and I really like it. Want one for my X, but nobody has gotten the fob to work yet, so I am just gonna order the one that uses the OEM fob inside of it.

I bought my X used, with only one key, and its an aftermarket key at that.

Am I limited to having to goto the dealer to purchase and program another key? I would like an OEM key, instead of this cheap looking aftermarket key that has random numbers on it instead of the FORD logo.

Should I order a blank Ford key online and bring it with me to save a few bucks? How much does the dealer charge to program a new key?

(Can I just bring the already-cut new flip key, and have them program that as my second? And then later on order another OEM key and program myself?)

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My wife lost my 2nd key shortly after I bought my used 07 X. I checked all around for the aftermarket keys, but none of the vendors would program it. I ended up going to Ford and it cost me about the same ($75) as it would have to buy the blank and have it programmed by a locksmith. Ford was much easier since they had the key in stock. Took less than 30 minutes and I was on my way.

Just a heads up.
When you perform the simple self-programming procedure the vehicle needs to see 2 programmed keys. Much like a safety deposit box, the vehicle must see 2 unique "digital signatures" to self-program additional keys.

Hardware stores (Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-mart, etc.) typically clone keys; they do not have the specialized technical equipment to program new keys that an automotive locksmith or dealership will have.
What Is The Difference Between A Cloned Key And A Programmed Key

My wife lost my 2nd key shortly after I bought my used 07 X. I checked all around for the aftermarket keys, but none of the vendors would program it. I ended up going to Ford and it cost me about the same ($75) as it would have to buy the blank and have it programmed by a locksmith. Ford was much easier since they had the key in stock. Took less than 30 minutes and I was on my way.

$75 isn't bad at all, that included a new key AND programming? I figured they'd probably charge $75 for programming, plus an ungodly amount for a replacement key. That gave me an idea though, since most stores can "clone" a key, I'll just clone this one when it comes in the mail, and eventually go get an actual second OEM key programmed.

My 16 year old lost his remote key for his 2013 Ford Focus this summer and we only had the valet key. We were worried about him losing the valet key so we ordered another one. Ford cost to replace the remote key was $235. The cost for an additional valet key was approximately $150 so we went with the remote unlock key. I'm assuming it's probably the same or more for the explorer. His car didn't have remote start.

Ford also said his key had a chip in key and couldn't be"cloned" and told us that if we find they key he lost, to bring all keys to ford to have them reprogrammed. If he tried to use the key he lost the car would assume it was stolen and shut down the car, so we were told to "Absolutely, refrain from using the old key because we would have to have the car towed to ford".

15 bucks for a chip key, not a clone, on ebay. 5 bucks to have a real locksmith cut the key, not a crappy lowes or walmart employee, but a real old school locksmith that wont wreck your key. 1/2 hour shop time (if you can find a shop that wont charge a full hour) for the 10 minute job they have to do to program it.

75 bucks after tax all in is about what it ran me back in 2011. I was quoted 150 for ford to do it with them supplying the key, and it still had to be cut by an outside locksmith. This is in Canada where the stealerships think they have you over a barrel.

Once you have 2 different keys (no clones) you can program up to 4 by yourself.

My 16 year old lost his remote key for his 2013 Ford Focus this summer and we only had the valet key. We were worried about him losing the valet key so we ordered another one. Ford cost to replace the remote key was $235. The cost for an additional valet key was approximately $150 so we went with the remote unlock key. I'm assuming it's probably the same or more for the explorer. His car didn't have remote start.

The 4th gens don't have the all in one fob like the Focus does, I can see Ford charging an arm and a leg for those as well. I just have the standard chipped key, and separate 4 button fob. I can get a blank key on eBay for about $10 bucks give or take. I'll call the Ford dealer today and ask, hopefully they'll quote me without having to drive all the way down there. That side of town is a joke with all the construction traffic anymore.

The 4th gens don't have the all in one fob like the Focus does, I can see Ford charging an arm and a leg for those as well. I just have the standard chipped key, and separate 4 button fob. I can get a blank key on eBay for about $10 bucks give or take. I'll call the Ford dealer today and ask, hopefully they'll quote me without having to drive all the way down there. That side of town is a joke with all the construction traffic anymore.

all the keys i found on ebay that were under $20 are empty... I bought 3 for $5 each and they had no transponders.... I got lucky at the junk yard and found a 2005ish explorer with the column torn apart and there was a bypass loop hanging so I followed it and found the bypass module and guess what there was a key inside... took it to work and chopped into the key and removed the chip.... placed it into one of my blanks I had cut and did the self programing steps... I now have 3 working keys still need a few more chips for when I add an autostart.... but read the sellers description very well because only a few have the keys with chips and nobody sells the chips alone.... also I tried a chip from a 3rd gen and it is different... glass chip vs plastic chip

With out 2 programmed keys you are limited to ford or someone with a ford scan tool you need to manually program the key to the car if you had 2 keys it takes all of 2 mins to program this is why anytime a dealer says bring all they keys you have etc because if you brought them 2 keys to program a 3rd key they wouldn't even use the scan tool and still charge you the same amount as if you had 1 key!


Walmart has the chipped key andcan do it if you have one key, I live in WA. State where it's kinda spendy and they wanted $60 for my 06 x Ford wanted a hundred to program. Ford just quoted me $205 for a 14 focus key today

Walmart has the chipped key andcan do it if you have one key, I live in WA. State where it's kinda spendy and they wanted $60 for my 06 x Ford wanted a hundred to program. Ford just quoted me $205 for a 14 focus key today

The walmart keys are clones.

Programmed key is the one which is used to uniquely identify the vehicle and the cloned key is the one which is the copy made by the locksmith or dealer of the vehicle key.

With out 2 programmed keys you are limited to ford or someone with a ford scan tool you need to manually program the key to the car if you had 2 keys it takes all of 2 mins to program this is why anytime a dealer says bring all they keys you have etc because if you brought them 2 keys to program a 3rd key they wouldn't even use the scan tool and still charge you the same amount as if you had 1 key!


Tom, I just purchased a spare key for my 13 X. I followed the instructions in the Manual, with the 2 keys in the Ex and also the new spare key in the slot in the console. But it would not program. Any suggestions? Steve...
