How to clean under the hood? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to clean under the hood?

Im not sure if this belongs in here or under the hood section, but I was wondering how to make my engine 120,000 miles look pretty new. Do I have to get it steamed? or can i use armor all or something? please let me know, also how much is it usually cost to get it steamed?

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I just put low pressure soap on mine at the local car wash. Be sure to cover the computer and alternator while doing that though.

Originally posted by Jason_25
I just put low pressure soap on mine at the local car wash. Be sure to cover the computer and alternator while doing that though.
hey I need a new alternator, maybe i should do that and not cover the alternator.:hammer: my parents wont pay for it! :p but if i do that they might.:D

Hmmm a 99 already needing a new alternator?? Gawd ford quality has really gone down the drain lately.

Hah wowsers. Explorers have fairly big alternators too. My '88 Bronco II has like a 35 amp alt. You can't really turn the lights and fan on at the same time. It's pretty funny actually.

Yeah it makes a big difference. Especially after a few muddy off-highway trips.

Get some Gumout or any engine cleaner in a spray can. Go to the car wash, spray it on let it set awhile and spray it off. I cover nothing. However I dont spray the computer or the coil pack (distributer) with the high pressure, just the low pressure you get when you let go of the trigger. Rinse it off real good and start the motor and let it dry itself. I clean all my cars the same way at least once a year.

If you go to Pep Boys or Autozone you will see some engine detailing kits that work pretty well. The one I got has two cans: a prep cleaner and a detailer. Worked pretty well, just make sure your engine is cool. I accidentally did it while my engine was moderately hot.......SMOKE! FIRE IN THE HOLE! (there was only smoke).

actually, i just use simple green to get the grime off then i wipe some stuff down with armor all (non-shiny armor all, and the number of components i hit with armor all depends on how lazy i am that day.) make sure to cover your air filter/kkm/k&n and dont spray the alternator or battery directly.

Well i cleaned it yesterday, got some Gunk heavy duty engine degreaser, then sprayed it all on and let it sit, then sprayed it all off. then i took a rag and wiped down the stuff that didnt look as clean, then sprayed no-touch tire shine spray stuff all over and it looks very good!

two words

i have two words for all of you, SIlicone Spray! works like a charm, thats what many detail places use, just let all of the fumes go away before starting up, otherwise your gonna be cookin explorers!!! later

try this. after you clean the engine compartment, spray EVERYTHING under the hood with WD-40. it works great. make sure when you spray it it is dry and cool(the engine not outside temp.) i do this both on my exploder and my 75 bronco rock crawler and the engine compartments look new and shiny. it also helps remove mud stains in hoses and fender aprons if u offroad. and no, i dont know why i waste my time detailing the engine compartment on a barely(not really) street legal lime green bronc. that looks like hammered dog sh*t.
WD-40=redneck detail spray!

I have always used some sort of grease cleaner such as Purple Stuff, or Simple Green then start the engine and spray off with water. Just don't spray directly into anything, just rinse off the degraser. I have found Formula 2001 to work the best and lasts longer than other protectants. Spray the engine compartment down and don't wipe. Just let it soak in and possibly add another coat once the first has dried in. Good Luck!

The first thing I do when I buy a car and the last thing I do before I sell it is get a can or two of the foaming engine cleaner, go to the carwash, let the cleaner soak for 5-10 minutes, and then, with the car RUNNING powerwash the **** out of it. Cleans all the wiring harnesses real nice, grease, everything. I always leave the car running becuse the one time I didn't was with an 87 Ranger, that wouldn't start afterwards. Got something wet I wasn't supposed to. I had to wait a while for it to dry. BTW, the manifolds will probably steam a lot when you hit em with water, no biggy though.

I've heard that you can crack the engine block by spraying it with cold water, is this true?

Who knows? I don't want to find out. I only live a couple of blocks from the car wash so the engine isn't that hot when its cleaned. Most cleaning products suggest that the engine not be hot.

well if the engine is hot enough and the water is cold enough it will cause the temp of the block to change alot really fast. This can cause warping of the heads or even cracking something.

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A hot engine being hit with cold water can crack the heads, the block, the exhaust manifolds, even the radiator. Don't risk it.

Anything actually work for getting mud stains off of the hoses and stuff? I read WD-40, but anything else? Petroleum distillates eat rubber.
