How to paint Cladding | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to paint Cladding


September 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
San Antonio, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 2wd 4.0L
I have an Silver 01' ST with a dark grey Cladding/Bummer/Rear Bummer. What do i need to do in order to paint this black?

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thx man. earlier today i came across your truck on, so that gave me the idea of painting the bottom black. weird thing is is that i just put on a 3" body lift and i have that exact grille guard with exact lights and i was also in the process of making custom brackets for it to fit, and i was pretty much doing the same thing as your brackets. what a coincidence. also how wide are you tires, and what size rim?

I recommend that you get the get flexible bumper primer and apply that first before the black flexible bumper paint.

And take you time and do 2 or 3 light coats of each.

My first attempt at painting some cladding black. I didn't take my time. And I didn't use primer. It wasn't long before that paint peeled off.

Good luck. could use krylon fusion for plastic...another member painted is explorer tupperware and that motivated me to do my problems at all so far and it's been tested regular as it is my work truck/dd and has been tested well at the dunes...;) is a link to my ranger paint thread..:D

I have had the sides done and will have the rear bumper at the body shop tommorrow. I have a friend the has a body shop and he is painting them for me in a semi gloss black. I also had my side steps Rhino lined, came out real well.
