How to: Replace Serpentine Belt - 3rd gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Replace Serpentine Belt - 3rd gen


Active Member
October 15, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer
I replaced my serpentine belt this past weekend.

This was a one man job and it took me about an hour (door-to-door salesman slowed me down outside!!) to remove the old and put the new one on.

I did have a problem getting a wrench on the tensioner pully though. There was just not enough space between the 1/2 inch square for your wrench and the fan...

I could not put a breaker bar on it, I tried a 3/8 wrench and a 1/2 in adapter - no room for either. I finally tried my 1/2 in torque wrench and was barely able to get that on from the top...

Is there a special "thinner" wrench that is used to complete this job that will fit between the pulley and the fan easier?



ya, i had two a 36" and a 22" Craftsman. . . the 36" no way, but the way the craftsman was put together it wasn't as 'tall' but i had to start it out and slide it into the socket. . . i pushed on the fan blades just to bend it a little to bit to help it fit. From the top.

Yeah, I was afraid I was going to break that plastic fan so I had to be careful.

I was using a torque wrench from Harbor Fright and it just barely made it on - but did have to mess with the position of the fan.

No way - I totally grew up there (now live in Phoenix, AZ)
I used to live on Wing Lake Road between 14-mile and Maple (15-mile)
i lived there for like 12 years or something right next to what was then Booth Elementary...


Fan, it got in my way too, i could bend it less than a 1/2" but just enough to get it on.

I know exactly where you lived, . . .sweet.
But Phoenix, no way, i lived in Tempe a few years back when i went to ASU, er many years ago, very hot, no snow. Small world. . . .nuts now i got that song in my head. . "Its a . . . " lol.
