How to tell if I have air suspension or not | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to tell if I have air suspension or not


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Limited 5.0
Just purchased a 99 Limited 5.0 from my friends parents. I want to replace the struts but dont know if the car has air suspension. Id go look at the truck but I dont have it with me atm. Any tell tale signs that it would have it?

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You can always crawl underneath and look for any of the telltale components (thicker shock absorbers with an air tube connected to them, ride height sensors, a compressor behind the spare wheel). But here are a couple easy signs:
1) An air ride disable switch in the jack storage compartment. This is the most obvious one, because the air ride system should be disabled for safety reasons when jacking up the vehicle.
2) If it has a message center (and I think that all Limited do) you can press the test button. If you have an air ride system, a test of the air ride system will be included and and reported upon.

PS: if memory serves, the '99 air ride system was only for the rear axle, so no air shocks or ride height sensors on the front wheels in any case. Anybody?

PS2: I don't believe that the front shock absorbers in the Ex should be called struts - they play no role in the suspension geometry.

Just purchased a 99 Limited 5.0 from my friends parents. I want to replace the struts but dont know if the car has air suspension. Id go look at the truck but I dont have it with me atm. Any tell tale signs that it would have it?

Thanks, I'll take a look when I get home.

I'm used to my mustang and bmw so that's why I called them struts. Thanks for the clarification.

Si do You have one ? I look for on my ex 99 v8 awd ans i can't find.
If nothing, do i raise my ex ?

Si do You have one ? I look for on my ex 99 v8 awd ans i can't find.
If nothing, do i raise my ex ?

Can you clarify your question? If you mean do you have to jack the vehicle up to tell whether it has rear air suspension, no, you should be able to stick your head under the rear bumper to see the much thicker air shocks if it has them.

Keep in mind that you don't have to replace air shocks with new air shocks. Some people put std. shocks on instead as they're cheaper and it eliminates the complexity and eventual failure of the air compressor, or put Monroe coil-over shocks on if their leaf springs are sagging.

I mean i have To raise the car To change the oil
So do i have To do something Before with the air suspension System ?

If there is an air suspension system, it must be turned off before jacking the vehicle. This is for your safety -- the system may activate when the vehicle is up and cause it to fall. USUALLY, if there is an air suspension system, there will be a switch for it next to the jack location in the pocket above the rear left wheel. There will also be a warning label telling you to turn the switch off before using the jack. If you are certain that your vehicle has no air suspension system, just use the regular precautions: block the wheels that stay on the ground to prevent the vehicle from moving, place the jack in the proper location, and do not put any of your body parts under a vehicle supported only by a jack. If you need to get underneath to change oil (or for any other purpose) place the vehicle on safety stands -- never get under a vehicle supported only by a jack!

I mean i have To raise the car To change the oil
So do i have To do something Before with the air suspension System ?
