Hows Everyone's Leather Held Up? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hows Everyone's Leather Held Up?


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September 27, 2015
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2015 Explorer XLT
Though comfortable as hell the leather in the Explorer doesn't seem very rugged compared to the other leather cars we have (BMW, Benz, Honda,Nissan), so I was wondering how it's held up for everyone in terms of cracking, rips, and whatever else can happen.

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Though comfortable as hell the leather in the Explorer doesn't seem very rugged compared to the other leather cars we have (BMW, Benz, Honda,Nissan), so I was wondering how it's held up for everyone in terms of cracking, rips, and whatever else can happen.

My 16 Sport actually feels like real leather as comparing to 13 XLT. Much softer and more comfortable. Not sure about the wear and tear long term. My friend has a 13 BMW 5 series, but he says that it is a fake leather and the fake leather will last longer. He said that he got a Dakota, did not want to invest in Nappa leather because of money and durability.
I am not even sure if Explorers come with real leather or not.

My 16 Sport actually feels like real leather as comparing to 13 XLT. Much softer and more comfortable. Not sure about the wear and tear long term. My friend has a 13 BMW 5 series, but he says that it is a fake leather and the fake leather will last longer. He said that he got a Dakota, did not want to invest in Nappa leather because of money and durability. I am not even sure if Explorers come with real leather or not.
Your friend is mistaken. Dakota leather in a 5 series BMW is not fake. It is a highly processed and textured leather, and quite durable - but not fake.

The Nappa leather is a softer, more natural-feeling leather that they also offer. It is less durable. In 2013 it was a paid option. From 2014 onward, it's a no-cost option. Frankly, Nappa might be a bit prettier when the car is new, but given the choice I would stick with Dakota.

It's possible to order a 3- or 4-series with the vinyl option (called "Sensatec") but 5 series cars all have standard leather.

Leather has held up great in my numerous Fords over the last 3 years. (13 Fusion, 13 Escape, 13 F150, 15 F150, and 16 EXP) Seems to be soft and durable. The leather is on par with the leather that was in my BMW's and Mercedes in the past...

I have to say the leather in the 2016 Explorer Sport is leaps and bounds nicer than the leather in my 2011 F150. With less than 7,000 mi on my Explorer Sport not sure I can comment on durability.

I have a 2011 with people frequently sitting in my car. The driver side and passenger side cushion where the pants end up sliding on have formed stretch marks but no holes through them. Someone used pen and wrote on my seats :mad: Other than that, they are holding up well despite my cats also barfing, pooping, and climbing on them.
