Hub Bearing Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hub Bearing Replacement


Well-Known Member
March 9, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Lethbridge, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer Sport
I have a 97 sport 4x4, and I was wondering about replacing the hub assembly do to faulty wheel bearings. The parts, only the parts, are $517 Canadian, no labour, each side! Does this sound right!?!? Also, is this a common item to be replacing? I currently have about 142000kms on my x. Thanks for any input.

sounds about right.... cheapest i can find them here in the states is about 150us so taking the exchange rate you could probalby find them a little cheaper.... my mind is blanking on the miles/kilometer ratio but if you drive in water alot or mud or if the truck has ever been in an accident the stress on those bearings will eventually cause them to wear out.... if its only one side making noise i would only replace that one side.... oh and if your handy with tools they arnt that hard to replace yourself either.... you and a friend should be able to tackle it in a few hours.... so dont pay a crapload in labor fees....

thanks for the info, I think I will replace the one side that is making all the noise for right now anyways, can't really afford while I'm going to school though! :mad:

I need to replace mine as well, left side.

From what I'm told, they are universal, yes? If I turn right, the noise gets worse - left and it goes away. I assume then that since the load is on the left when turning right, that's the side to replace?
