Hub or Brake squeal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hub or Brake squeal


June 18, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Almost Heaven WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie EB AWD
I have a squeal left front end. Its worse between 20mph and 40mph, turning left, and non present when turning right. However, when I lightly press brake pedal it disappears completely. So, is it the hub, or is it the brakes? And if it is the hub, why does it disappear with a slight press of the pedal?

shooked <///><

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Sounds like hub to me. If you need to buy one, 1aauto is a vendor on the forum that has good prices and parts. The noise will be louder while turning right because it puts more pressure on that hub and the opposite while turning left.

I have the exact same issue + symptoms with my right side and would be curious to know this as well.

How can I test if the hub is bad?

I have the exact same problem. I always had a bad virbartion when I was coming to a stop and it happened under 10 mph. I had to beat the rotor off and I took that abs sensor out and never put a new one in cause it was like $170 just for the sensor. So ever since then when I turn left I hear a noise but it does not happen all the time and when I turn right I dont here it at all. Then it I stop completely and turn my wheel I have a bad vibration in my steering wheel sometimes too but not all the time. I'm not sure what this and I hope I it's not my steering box. I do have fluild in my power steering to. It's a 95 ford explorer 4x4 xlt.

I have a squeal left front end. Its worse between 20mph and 40mph, turning left, and non present when turning right. However, when I lightly press brake pedal it disappears completely. So, is it the hub, or is it the brakes? And if it is the hub, why does it disappear with a slight press of the pedal?

shooked <///><

You may want to check your brake pads. If you are getting a squeak, and then it stops when the brakes are applied, it sounds like the wear indicator is hitting the rotor.
Hope this helps,

i wouldnt be surprised if its ur wheel bearing. ur hub just holds everything together and a squeal would either be the bearing or the brake pads. but when u say it goes away when u hit the brakes then it doesnt sound like brake pads to me. i would jack it up, and wiggle the tire to see if there is any play in the tire. i just changed my bearing the other day. only cost me $25 and about and hour worth of work. i would check out ur pads too since u will have it jacked up already.

you may want to check your brake pads. If you are getting a squeak, and then it stops when the brakes are applied, it sounds like the wear indicator is hitting the rotor.
Hope this helps,

^^^ this ^^^

if ur pads r worn then the sound will get worse as the brakes r applied. thats common sense to me. gotta be the bearing

1ATony is correct. The sound may be the wear indicator. The way they are designed they stop squealing when the brake is pressed. When you turn right the pressure is probably enough to shift the caliper slightly and stop the noise.

either way ur best bet is to just jack up the front end and wiggle ur tires, if they wiggle then its ur bearing, if they dont wiggle removee the tire and u can easily see if u need new pads. u just wont know until u look at it

Ive had it apart a few times, to replace ball joints and such, and the brakes are new. Hubs are OE and feel solid. The only reason I leaned toward a brake squeal is because of the correlation with tapping it and it stops, but as some indicated, a wear indicator gets louder when you press the brakes. The reason I leaned toward a hub issue is because it gets worse when I turn to the left, and stops when i turn to the right. There is no lateral movement with the assembly that would allow for that symptom in the brakes. So, with new brakes and rotors, I'm betting hub assembly. As soon as I replace it, I will let you folks know.



Ive had it apart a few times, to replace ball joints and such, and the brakes are new. Hubs are OE and feel solid. The only reason I leaned toward a brake squeal is because of the correlation with tapping it and it stops, but as some indicated, a wear indicator gets louder when you press the brakes. The reason I leaned toward a hub issue is because it gets worse when I turn to the left, and stops when i turn to the right. There is no lateral movement with the assembly that would allow for that symptom in the brakes. So, with new brakes and rotors, I'm betting hub assembly. As soon as I replace it, I will let you folks know.



Just for the heck of it jack that wheel up and spin it as fast as you can by hand, maybe you can hear where it's coming from.

The tolerances in hubs are so close these days, it's hard to wiggle the tire to check them. I just went through this with my 04 Grand Cherokee, both hubs were bad, and if I wiggled the tire back and forth there was no play.

Once I took the wheel off and moved the hub by hand, I could then see that they had play in them.

We sell hubs if you end up needing them. Hope all of this helps to point you in a direction as to what's causing the noise.
