Hydraulic brake lines on 2005 Sport Trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hydraulic brake lines on 2005 Sport Trac


Well-Known Member
February 14, 2016
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City, State
Western Maine
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Sport Trac XLT 4WD
Finally got the bolts off to remove my front pads and rotors.
Looks like my flexible brake lines need to be replaced while I'm in there.
The connection where the flexible is threaded into by the hard line is rusted pretty bad.
I keep spraying them with PB Blaster hoping I can get them apart. Doesn't look good !
The front left side looks fairly easy to replace going up to the ABS unit, but I can only find an aftermarket line.
The front right side looks more problematic : somehow it snakes over to the other side of the engine compartment, but surprisingly the line is available.

Has anybody replaced the front right hydraulic hard line? Is it a bear ? Looking at the replacement images with all its twists and turns I'm scratching my head wondering how I would get that line in.

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You can get it in there once it is disconnected, it follows along the engine cradle underneath and there are plastic clips that hold it in place.

With the truck safely supported to where you can climb under there, the line will feed through without too much issue.

I hate rusty brake lines, they are a real PITA when they round off, twist, break.
You can soak it and use a good wire brush to clean the area and threads. With the CORRECT size wrenches the fittings might just come apart. But smart to plan to replace the hard lines if needed.

410Fortune thanks for responding. Not being a good mechanic I was hoping that I would not need to do something like lifting the engine out.

Yes I have been spraying with PB blaster, and rubbing them as best as possible with a small wire brush.

Thanks again.

you do not need to lift the engine!! Just need to get under the truck SAFELY LOL

No I meant I was nervous that I might have had to lift it out. So I'll be busy crawling under today looking around while its supported by 6x6 s.

My front driver brake line burst only recently (corrosion). Scary feeling.
The mechanic said no more OEM so he constructed a new brake line using generic hardware, twisted to his own way.
Good luck. Brakes are one thing I don't touch anymore.

mountaineer2004 Yes that's why while I was replacing pads and rotors that I decided to replace the flexible brake lines (they looked rusty).
So now I'm into replacing the hard lines back to the ABS unit.
