Hydroxy is LOWERED!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hydroxy is LOWERED!!!


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
September 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 4x4 Mounty
Well Patrick came here to fredericksburg to get his truck lowered (in a warm garage) and with TT, blocks and modied air ride suspention he is now lowered about 2.5/2.5

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Wow......that looks so much better! I still say loose the mudflaps though :p Either case, def a sweet truck!

i loweed mine today for funb with acr..i found i like mine lifted

that just look's MEAN..i love it!!!..what did he do to the ARC?..the bumper look's very nice also!

Originally posted by Ak LTD Xplorer
i loweed mine today for funb with acr..i found i like mine lifted

that just look's MEAN..i love it!!!..what did he do to the ARC?..the bumper look's very nice also!

I guess he's getting a pan too?

Originally posted by etc
I guess he's getting a pan too?

nah he is painting his back bumper. thats why it is off. I think he actually uses it for something unlike me.

The sensor was relocated up, as to fool the system. However I got 'check air ride system' msg on my console on the way home, so I think the sensor needs to be compressed just a tad more. The rear sensor doesn't need any modification (atleast we didn't do anything to it, and it seems to ride alright).

I will say that the while handling went through the roof, ride quality went out the door:rolleyes:

Originally posted by hydroxy
I will say that the while handling went through the roof, ride quality went out the door:rolleyes:
Welcome to the club. :cool:

It looks 10 times better lowered, doesn't it? :)

ok, my ex is actually about 1/2" lower in the front/rear then those pictures show. That was before we moved the air ride sensor.

im guessing the ride quality is that bad because of the aired down air shocks. ever thought about getting rid of the air ride, or do you use it for something?

it is nice to be able to raise the explorer 2 " or so when I change the oil. I think to make the ride quality better I'm going to lower it even more w/ the TT and then put pressure in the shocks to raise it. That should help a bit.

I still have to tweak the air ride.. I might end up bringing it back up .5-1 inch or so to improve the ride quality.

Originally posted by hydroxy
it is nice to be able to raise the explorer 2 " or so when I change the oil. I think to make the ride quality better I'm going to lower it even more w/ the TT and then put pressure in the shocks to raise it. That should help a bit.

I still have to tweak the air ride.. I might end up bringing it back up .5-1 inch or so to improve the ride quality.

Untill you get new shocks it'll ride like poop. Dad lowered his front end 1" and his rides really crappy now, bottoms everywhere and is all loose.

Dude, ditch the ARC, get you some friggin' Edlebrock's and stop being a pansy. Changing the oil is your best excuse now? Ever heard of a jack? 'Cmon now, you saw how low dad's Triumph is to the ground and he's got the daggum tranny out of it right now...

looks awesome. those mudflaps are damn near scraping the ground. i know youve already heard a million times to ditch em so i wont say anything more ;) ;) the truck is lookin hott

:thumbsup: looking good

Originally posted by hydroxy
ok, my ex is actually about 1/2" lower in the front/rear then those pictures show. That was before we moved the air ride sensor.
so you are actually 3"/3" lowered?

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My ground clearance =P

