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i cant decide.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2001
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City, State
san rafael, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 sport, 90gt
i still cant decide wether i want to lift my X or lower it.
i dont really go offroading. i do race on the streets pretty often. but lifted X's look very nice. but so do lowered. ahhh i dont know. what do you all think?

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lift it.... racing on the street is bad, very bad.....

yeh but its so fun. i think with the way i drive if i lift it i will roll it.

All the more reason to lift it then... Maybe it will stop you from street racing... And if you don't and do roll it maybe that will teach you...

you guys arnt giveing very comstructive advice.
i didnt ask to be critiqued on my driveing. i asked what would look better.

i think lifted TRUCKS look better than lowered trucks... who wants to see lifted cars? nobody, they want to see lowered cars....... also we werent critiquing your driving just saying that street racing is stupid and dangerous.... if you really want to be cool and show everyone up...go to the real sanctioned drag races on a drag strip like i plan on doing as soon as my truck passes tech inspection

Well then don't mention that you street race... You're just asking to get flamed for that... I was EXTREAMLY nice about it... I used to do it and I've seen to many of my friends hurt from it when I used to do it... Now I know better and I was really lucky that I didn't get hurt...

If you just want my opinion... If its a V6 lift it... If its a V8 drop it... Even thought I lifted my V8 its because I offroad as much as possible... But if I had my druthers I'd like another V8 to drop too...

well when i say street raceing i dont mean actual raceing like they did in fast and furious. im just saying i drive kinda fast and take turns faster then average.
i dunno. plus with bigger tires it will slow my car down.
maybe i will leave it stock hight. just put some new rims on it and leave it the hight it is.

well you live in ca where there's no snow, so i would say that you oughta leave it stock, i agree with you on that, i mean i wouldnt want to worry about problems with the frame by lifting it, plus lifting the 95-97's are going to be a pain because you need to take a ranger lift and modify it, i did exactly what you did, i just bought sport trac rims and 31" tires

i plan on swapping it. i want to put the 302 from ford raceing in it that put out 345 hp
i want to be able to take it up to sears point on wednesday nights and smoke some mustangs. =)
and the only time i actually race people is either on the freeway late at night or off the line at a stop light.

and yeh i knew i was going to get **** for it. but hey ima 18 year old guy, ya cant expect me not to get all defensive =P

you can smoke mustangs.... those are sanctioned bracket racing classes... if your car does 18s and the stang does 12 then you will leave the line 6 seconds before him.....

yeh but thats no fun. i want to run right with em and smoke em.

some are not aware of drag racing classes at sears point or sacramento raceway....this is how the classes are run... you will never be matched in a dead heat with anything unles you run like a 10 or below 1/4 mile and use a 4/10ths tree....

mike -

i say go with what suits your driving style.

if you went off road a lot, or go up to tahoe in the winter, then i would say lift it. if you spend most of your time on those bay area freeways, and you say that you tend to drive... "agressively" then maybe you should lower your truck.

i chose to drop, but i'm not saying lifting is bad. it's whatever suits your personal taste, and what works for you. i think lifting your truck with the goal of making you drive slower is only going to lead to a roll-over one day. it takes more than a lifted truck to make you change your driving habits.

becareful not to lift just because it "looks cool." i think lifted explorer look great, but a car with a high center of gravity doesn't suit my driving style, and from the sounds of it, doesn't suit yours either.

since you're in the bay area, check out Explorer Express in Richmond. i believe you can test drive their demo explorers that have been dropped 1 3/8" and have performance and suspension packages. then go on one of the board's 4x4 runs and see if someone will let you demo their lifted X. :)

hey thanks for the advice man. ill check out explorer express. ive been to their web site lots of times but have never been to the shop. they are only 20 mins away too.

well before they have the brackets they have the qualifying. in wich one light goes 1 second before the other. your not actually raceing the other person but its fun when you have the second light and you catch up or beat the person with the first light.

yeah, the qualifying isnt the same time... they run you at your dial in... the other one goes whatever the dial in is to the handicap of the other light....

well damnit stop bursting my buble =P j/k
well ill rost em at stop lights then

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is there a way to control the suspension? like in some of the hoopties with all the switches?
then you could have a lowrider when your on the road or parked, and raise it up to hit the trails.

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