I have got a new game and its called "Name that part"? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I have got a new game and its called "Name that part"?


Well-Known Member
July 4, 2002
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99 ford explorer sport
i was wondering if anyone could help me out in figuring where this part goes.
it seems to have fallen off my ex? as far as i know it is a heat shield that clips on to a hose or line of some sort. i notice it when i heard a rattling noise comming from underneath my ex and found it between my catailac converter.
i hope someone out there can help me out.



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it is the heat sheild that goes between the catalytic convertor and the transmission to protect the modulator valve from excessive heat.... I win .. well ... i guess the better question is what did i win:)

right and wrong boostranger -> there isn't a modulator valve on the '99s (5R55E), but the heat shield does go between the cat and tranny. The two clips clip onto the lip that is formed from the bottom of the tranny body and the top of the tranny pan on the passenger side. It does protect the servos (rubber) from the heat (somewhat).

Looks like someone works for Dell.

Jeff - :navajo:

ahhh .. never looked at the year ... ohh well close enough:)

INteresting to see an older one. It is rather different that the one I ordered new from FORD last spring (and which took 3 mos to get). In addition to the clips, it is held on by a nut on an extended bolt that holds the modulator clamp. (or in the absence of a modulator, just a stud/bolt.)

This one has that bracket at the top for that stud also (where the modulator retention bolt/stud used to be). I don't know how that bolt came off the top, but it had to to let that shield go.

Fury - do you need to know what size length bolt to get for the top mount of that bracket? The other two attachment points just clip on, but will come off again sooner or later without that bolt in place.

thanks for the help guys.
i knew someone would know where this thing went.

Brain i would appreciate it a lot if u could tell me what size bolt i would need to put this dam thing back on.

M6x12 (that is 12mm long - metric) is what is listed, but that is a stud length and the tip of the stud doesn't have threads, so just to be on the safe side I'd use a M6X10. It is the small bolt/stud on the left side of the picture (passenger side). Hope this helps. Maybe you'd want to feel up there to see if the stud is still in place and the nut just came off. If that's the case, just get an M6 nut and use the existing stud.

