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Ticking Noise


New Member
February 23, 2000
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My 96 Sport has recently developed a fairly loud ticking noise (coming from underneath the vehicle. At first I thought it was the valves tapping but after checking it out it sounds like it is coming from the transmission or somewhere in that area. Does anyone have any ideas to what this could be? One person told me that it might be the heat shield on the cat converter and another said that it is probably the fuel injectors. I'm not buying the fuel injector theory and it doesn't appear to be the heat shield.

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Typically the heat shield will "tick" only during idle. If it is still ticking when you throttle it up, it's probably not the heat shield.

91 EB 4x4 Stock

i had the same noise under mine in early jan. thought at first it was the water pump, so i replaced it, NOT the water pump. to make a long story short. it ended up being my starter, the solenoid came loose and the bendix was trying to engage. the noise was the gear making contact with the flex plate.
post and let us know what it ends up being.

93XLT 4X4 4DR.

thanks for the advice guys. the starter idea is a good one because i just had the transmission rebuilt and they probably had to remove the starter to do it. i will keep you posted.

I had a similar problem a few years back. The heat sheild surrounding the front of the cat had come loose. A real large hose clamp did the trick.

Jon M

Jon McLeod
'93 XLT
K&N Drop-In
Kenwood Audio
Rancho RS5000's

I had that noise too but when they replaced my muffler with Flowmaster it dissapeard. The old muffler goes with the heat shield?

1997 XLT, V6 SOHC
NY State of Mind
