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I saw a new Cooper MINI

Fred is too Big and Bad to ride in a Mini!

The question is, do the minis still use lucas electrics? You know, the reason why British drink warm beer.


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I would buy a BMW

Don't get me wrong they are nice vehicles but not for me because I want to have something big if someone decides to run a red light or change lanes without looking or back up without looking. The original mini coopers where small and cute and the new ones are still small and cute but revised with a better design and bigger motor.:p


I know Fred personally he is one hell of a nice guy,and fitting Fred or myself in that car,would be like "tommy Boy"big guy in a little coat:D

Makes me wonder why Fred has an Explorer, almost sounds like he needs an Expedition or Excursion.

I have a Big Bad friend named Bill. And he doesn't fit too well in my Explorer. He's much more comfy in his fullsize Blazer or Z71 pickup. He only rides in my Ex when there is no other choice.

Big Bad Bill and his Z71:

I am 6'2 and weigh 260 and I wish I could afford a expedition:p


Dude, dont say that I am too big to fit into an explorer because actually my explorer is even big for me. I am big but I am not fat with a belly hanging over my belt. My belly is inline with my belt. I lift weights and I meant big and solid except for a few spots on my belly but too much beer in my day.:mad:

Pshew!! That's a big boy!!
Anyway, the Cooper has been owned by BMW for quite sometime now. According to some reviews I've read its frame is more rigid than a 3 series BMW and the gearshifter is just as good. I'm interested in it right now...of course I wouldn't be able to buy anything for another 14-15 months anyway. Who knows what will be out by then.

I just saw one on thew highway yesterday, silver with black stripes, and I originally thought they were bigger than the older models, but it looked to be about the same size. Are they bigger or smaller than original minis?

i think about the same. there to small for me. get in a wreck and it's over lights out.

I once saw a picture from the 70's where a 5 ton truck hit a Mini head on, and the front was squished up to the windshield, but the drivers compartment was still fine...:eek:

I would rather be in my ex in a accident

Hey, so would I ! Well, I wouldn't even want to think what would happen in "Lifted X vs. Mini":eek:


That would be ugly:confused:

Originally posted by Crankcase
Are they bigger or smaller than original minis?

I'm pretty sure they're bigger. The other day I was examining a new one in a parking lot, and then the following day I was passed by an old one on the road. The old one was a lot smaller

Originally posted by 88vert
I would rather be in my ex in a accident

That's interesting. I know I wouldn't want to be in mine. From a sidways collision it's almost sure to flip over and from the front or back the truck wouldn't give in enough and injure me pretty bad in a serious collision.

Originally posted by morrisey0
Fred is too Big and Bad to ride in a Mini!

The question is, do the minis still use lucas electrics? You know, the reason why British drink warm beer.


They drink it warmer so you can actually taste it:D

Those new minis are about twice the size as their British brothers. I would love to have one, but it would need to have the Union Jack painted on the roof:cool:

Here is my Dad's mini. :) It's a 66 and a blast to drive around in! Plus it's even smaller then these new "large" mini's.


He has not had it running for a few years, Fuel leak, doesn't charge but has plans to one day. :)

Cool. Those tires look pretty clean for a vehicle that has not been running in a few years. Does he clean it every so often to keep the spider webs away? :p

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They are awesome. There is one I used to see around downtown here, when I worked down there, it was white with the Union Jack painted on the roof.

Has anyone seen the magazine insert for these? I love how they say scratches are beauty marks!
