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I saw a new Cooper MINI

Originally posted by taxxman2k
Has anyone seen the magazine insert for these? I love how they say scratches are beauty marks!

I saw the one in Rolling Stone that listed all the official rules for driving games. That thing was cool. Especially since my friends and I always used to fight about the "correct" way to call shotgun :D

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Those wheels and tires both have seen less then 100 miles in the past 10 years. The wheels where still in the original boxes for about 10 years prior to putting them on. No he really doesn't dust it. If you saw it today it would be scary. There is always a layer of sawdust over the whole thing. Actually my dad rarely washes it unless he can give it a whole detail job. Since you can't leave any water standing on it. He doesn't want any rust marks on it.

I will say for the couple hundred feet I have been allowed to drive it, it was a blast! :D Plus it was always fun when we were growing up to be sitting on the left side of the car and all kinds of people would give us weird looks. Its stearing wheel is on the wrong side... :)

Oh and if you think your Explorer parts are Expensive try looking at these. Left rear tail lense = $200.00 or more the last time I checked.

Originally posted by rpenner54
Those wheels and tires both have seen less then 100 miles in the past 10 years. The wheels where still in the original boxes for about 10 years prior to putting them on.

Are they not even radials then?

Originally posted by rpenner54

Oh and if you think your Explorer parts are Expensive try looking at these. Left rear tail lense = $200.00 or more the last time I checked.

:eek: :confused: :eek:

Has anyone seen the movie The Bourne Identity? I just saw it earlier, and it's got this police chase scene where they're chasing an old Mini through the streets of Paris. It's so cool. Now I want one of those little guys even more :D

after viewing one up close and sitting in one

I saw one up close and sat in one, I have to retract my statement about them being ugly I actually like them and would buy one and I like that 66 cooper that was posted and that is one cool looking cooper and the tires are real cheap when you have to replace them because they are real small. The mini cooper is an awesome looking car inside and out and BMW ownes them so, they are made with quality parts and craftsmanship. BMW is a good company with very nice cars and motorcycles and SUV's. :D

I have the new Cooper S but it just sold! That's what's going on in Texas. I got a offer I couldn't refuse and the dealership was nice enough to let me order a custom one so the one I sold was a base model. turned heads everywhere I went especially the PT Crusier bunch!!
See it here - Dead Link Removed

Whats the sticker price:D

I just "built" one on their website. It cost 6k more than our loaded VW Golf and gets 20mpg less.

Mmmm.... no thanks:rolleyes:

The one I'm getting is 23,000. I sold the above one for 26,000. It's a replacement for my Miata which I autocross and was about to get into road racing, but the mini handles even better so I can't wait to get it out on the track. The hwy MPG is 33, but I will be doing some experimenting as my commute to work has doubled!:eek:

I'm with Rick, I'll stick with the VW golf over a Mini any day. My first car was a 76 2002 tii (BMW) and it was about the size of that mini, maybe a little larger. Loved that car, it's 2.0L 4 banger would keep up with a 5.0L Mustang after I ripped out the EFI and dropped in dual Webbers with some exhaust and engine work.
My mom had a 88 735IL and that car kicked butt!
BMW makes a hell of a car, always have, and always will. But as far as the new Cooper goes (same with most BMW's) you could get a new VW for about 1/2 the price that gets better mileage, has the same german feel and out performs the BMW's....(of course thats like comparing apples to oranges but hey....)

I think the new Golf GTI is just about the best damn looking car I have ever seen.........

My girlfriend is thinking about getting a 2003 Toyota Corrola s and at 18000 it is a good deal and 38 mpg on the highway is even better:D

I should note the base (non-supercharged) mini is just over $16K and it has the mileage but no power. And there is no mark up from the MSRP (unless you buy used - see ebay) :)
