I think she may be totalled... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I think she may be totalled...

I haven't had many post at all but I am always on here getting great advice from these forums. I would just like to first say thank you to all who contribute to this site. Without this website I wouldn't have saved as much time and frustration working on my beast.
NOW, On to my poor Explorer. 6 payments left and she was all mine. After 5 years of paying I was actually going to have the title! Until yesterday. I got rear ended (by another ford explorer) going about 55 miles an hours. I have never been in an accident and I am 26 years old. Holy crap did it hurt! My drivers seat BROKE from the impact. It almost completely broke off the tracks! My stereo and center bezel flew out of the freaking dash! You can see by the pics that she is probably not recoverable. What do you think? Is she totaled? The frame is WAY bent on it as you can see in the pics. It doesn't look so bad, but I think the car did what it was suppose to....save my life! I think the frame and rear end absorbed the brute force. The other explorer was smashed clear up to the windshield.

So do you think she is totaled? Insurance has not looked at it yet.







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that sux bout ur sport so what u going to be getting now since ur sport is totalled

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Well I hate to say it but I have been bitten by the Chevy bug. I am going to buy a Suburban. I have been a Ford man my whole life and I figured this may be a time to walk on the wild side! Plus my wife wants something bigger so she will feel safer. I hate to say it but I think it's time to hang up the blue oval and go get me a bow tie! :eek::eek::eek:

Well I hate to say it but I have been bitten by the Chevy bug. I am going to buy a Suburban. I have been a Ford man my whole life and I figured this may be a time to walk on the wild side! Plus my wife wants something bigger so she will feel safer. I hate to say it but I think it's time to hang up the blue oval and go get me a bow tie! :eek::eek::eek:

Suburbans are nice, and built tough. We were rear ended in our '96 Suburban by a Nissan Quest going about 45 mph (we were stopped). All we got was a very small, almost not noticeable ding in the bumper. I didn't even notice until I washed it. The van was totaled though.

Or you can stick with the Blue Oval and get an Expedition or Excursion. A guy on another forum I'm on got t-boned by a semi in his Expedition. Of course the Expedition was totaled, but he was just fine.


Man, that blows! Glad you are generally OK. Lady on a cell phone in the other Explorer?
She admitted to not paying attention to traffic while looking for Frys Electronics to her left. But at least I got my insurance money and was lucky enough to come across this beauty....

2000 Chevy Tahoe Limited Edition. Limited to only 8605 ever made!! It's cherry and I love it!! I tell ya the Chevy 350 w/300hp definitely could run circles around my old 4.0!!! Sucks I have to say good bye to this forum. However I will still keep my account and come around and see whats new for sure. After all, I have been on this for many of years. :thumbsup:

Man, that is nice! Never saw one of those. We had a '95 Tahoe 4-door (black), one of the first on the streets, nice truck. Just saw it the other day, whooped as all hell now, whoever owns it.
