I thought it was a really trick ST... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I thought it was a really trick ST...

Newfy Trac

Well-Known Member
August 24, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Sport Trac
But, it wasn't.

Last year at the Dunes I passed what I thought was a highly modified ST. I was bummed that I didn't get pics. Well exactly one year later, and watching every time this year hoping to see it. I found it last night.


As you can see, it's not a Trac. It's a modified Explorer. Still cool, but not a ST.

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Looks like a fun Explorer. Haven't seen it around the forum; I wonder if they're a member or even a lurker?

Thats cool

thats friggin sweet i wish people did cool mods like that where i live. all i see are cherokees and toyotas and nothing like that lol.

I just see lifted 2wd tacos and full size trucks here. Not even many Jeeps.

Being the Motorcity, we don't get many Tacos or anything else Japanese. It's Ford, GM or Dodge, lots of Jeeps.

the black hills sport a well rounded group. expo's of all varieties and "HEEPS" even some full size.

That is really cool, especially in the winter I bet. I do like it. Mainly Heeps and full size trucks around my area.
