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im back


Well-Known Member
September 20, 2005
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City, State
Oceanside CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Eddie Bauer 4x4
and still looking to lift the explorer.

i think i want about a 2-3" lift, nothing more. just doing some reading around, it sounds like i should go with extended radius arms to get more travel? i want to get a kit that actually works good, more travel, softer, all that good stuff, not just a spacer.

i might have mentioned it before, but what about going with some f150 ttb's? anyone done that before? i think that would look totally badass with some flared out fenders.


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Hey i remember that name! Anyway, if you are talking about D44 i beams 4WD, Autofab in santee is your place. it's a little pricey, but they already have it all figured out, including up graded steering?

thats really what peaked my intrest in it, i assume everything would work for the explorer as well.

i doubt ill do anything that hardcore right now, more of a pipe dream than anything.

i just wanna keep my 31's from rubbing (my wheels have like 2 inches of backspacing, but i just love the way they look!)

yeah that's the place. it is pretty hardcore, but you can PM dannyboy, he has an autofab built explorer, and it's all but indestructible!

yeah i think i remember this name too:D You could always do as Tbars and do the f150 coil spring mounts i guess that good for around 2 inches in the front. then maybe a shackle/aal in the rear :scratch::dunno:

yeah i think i remember this name too:D You could always do as Tbars and do the f150 coil spring mounts i guess that good for around 2 inches in the front. then maybe a shackle/aal in the rear :scratch::dunno:

i think thats what im gonna end up doing, but just as before, i cant decide between skyjacker springs or the spring mounts.

cost v. performance. plus the skyjacker springs are supposed to be softer than stock, so that will smooth out the ride.

i think im gonna do shackles in the back, but im gonna do some reading on deaver leaf packs first. my 12 year old springs might be a little worn out.

how about something like that? i dont want quite 4" of lift, but its the only thing i can find. would taking a leaf out hurt the flex of the pack? it looks like it has about 7 leafs. mabye taking one out and using a shorter shackle (by about an inch?) would get me about where i want. and then just add a coil spacer to the front for another inch of lift?

that sounds like it would work great for me, so i dont see why you wouldent want that on your truck. When i did my lift i first did shackels in the rear with stock tires. i loved the way it looked with about a 1.5 inch rake. it made it look like it was going to eat you.
I slaped on some 31s, and the f-150 coil seats and now the front is to high and the rear is about an inch shorter then the front.
So in MY case i want those 4 inch leaf packs with stock shackels and just keep F-150 spacers with 31s. I really dont like having the @$$ end so low anyway. i always drag the hitch on the ground when i go up or down steep stuff. i am always afraid it is going to get hung up.

You could go with AAL and shackels but that would make it ride rougher then it already does and take away flex.

That is just my 2 cents.

...ezeedee, are you still around or have you left for bootcamp???

The boy appears and disappears like the wind :D
