In dash dvd players? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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In dash dvd players?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2006
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City, State
Harlem, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
I have been wanting to put video in my ex, but have not been able to decide how. Was afraid to get an in-dash dvd player as I am afraid that the constant in and out of the monitor would make the gears wear out and have to be replaced too soon...or too often. Has anyone had any problems with this?

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Then get a double din.

X2 on Double DIN, me likey my Alpine W200 :)

i run a single din pioneer avh6600...had it for a couple years now with no problems. If you're buying new make sure to get an extended warranty though. Theres a ton of parts that can break on these units. Ive owned 4 and never had a problem with any of them.

A bought this current one from a local shop who gave me 3 year warranty for around $150 I think. And if I dont use the warranty throughout those 3 years they refund my $150.

cant go wrong there

Then get a double din.

Thought about that. Would have to hack up my front dash....which I am pretty comfortable doing...but then I have the duct work for the vents back there and they are in the way.

Guess I'll have to take my chances huh?

Other option was just putting a player in dash and have a monitor somewhere else. Probably on the center floorboard.

When I put in my double din, there was minor cutting to be done. I just barely shaved the top and bottom by maybe 1/8th of an inch each and it worked beautifully.

I've seen the Alpine IVA-D310 foldout sold alot. Never seen one come back. I have the Alpine W200 double-din. Love it!

stay away from jensen. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with these units. Stick to a main brand.

I completely disagree with you.... It has some good features and has the most bang for your buck.

I completely disagree with you.... It has some good features and has the most bang for your buck.

i find reliability to be more of an issue with all jenses products than their features

When I put in my double din, there was minor cutting to be done. I just barely shaved the top and bottom by maybe 1/8th of an inch each and it worked beautifully.

Do you have pics of this, I looked at the dimensions online and it would be a lot more than that for me. Ihave a single din.

Do you have pics of this, I looked at the dimensions online and it would be a lot more than that for me. Ihave a single din.

here is my double din install- it is actually two single dins, but basically the same thing.


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oh my lord!!! thats one of the hugest flipouts ive ever seen!!!

Yea he did a good job on the install. I do not have any other pics other than the ones posted below.



umm I dont know if it matters but he has a 94, I say get a flip out, you get what you pay for, I would buy a brand name such as Alpine, Pioneer etc, get something that has a built in DVD player(buy the extended over the counter warranty), the cheaper models of these units you have to wire an external unit in (huge waste of time, space and money if you want a DVD player this way)

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Yes, the 94 is a single din. I beielive all the newer models have a double din.

Very nice installes by the way!

I still have to do some more research to figure out exactly what I'm going to do...Wil let y'all know.
Thanks everyone for your help.
