In Need of A Visual Upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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In Need of A Visual Upgrade


Well-Known Member
August 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Bardstown, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 sport, 99 limited
I'm looking to find some sites were i can find head and tail lights for my 97 sport, i was told that i needed to find special lights for them, I can only seem to find regular lights.

Also i need a sugestion to a company that i can find a billet grille that doesn't look like a cut and paste job on the front of my X.

So if I can get clearification on the lights, and/or where to find a fitted grill would be greatly appricated.

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Check out ebay for the items. I searched 1997 ford explorer lights and came up with a ton of stuff like you are looking for. Several different options there.

Thats funny cause when i did it, it only had 4, all OEM.

, they offer alot of both headlights and grilles for explorers. Don't have any idea about special lights just for sports, they should be the same.

