Info needed on moving to Aurora area | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Info needed on moving to Aurora area


Well-Known Member
January 28, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Centennial, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport Trac
Well, I am moving soon to the Denver area and I am not too familiar with the suburbs S. and E. of Denver. I am starting a new job in two weeks to work in Aurora towards the Air Force Base and I wondered if any of you could offer information on cities and Suburbs to stay away from or areas that aren't too expensive to live but are relatively safe (I know that is ambiguous :) ). We will be looking to buy a house soon, but figure since it is such a short time away that we will need to rent an apartment or house for a bit (with any luck a furnished place for 2 mos. or so).

Any help you can offer is completely appreciated. Thank you, and I look forward to hopefully meeting up with some of you after the winter.

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Welcome to the Denver area, almost... Aurora is a HUGE city... There are both good and bad areas of it... I live in Littleton, which is on the extream west end of the valley, right by the foothills... Aurora is WAY out east...

Yeah I realize it's a large area... I have a buddy who lives in Loveland and he commutes down to Buckley (Aurora) every day!!! Talk about a killer drive.

I was looking at places in Parker or other cities, but it is hard to tell if it would be a feasible location or not.

Parker wouldn't be to bad... Loveland to Buckly is a KILLER... There are several of us from the board here in Littleton... And the drive to Buckley would be around 40 min I'm guessing...

Thanks for the estimation of how long it would take you to get there. It's hard for me to guestimate traffic in a city you haven't travelled around in!! All I can do is look at maps and wait to get in contact with those that I know up there. Thanks.
