Info Wanted, Which Brush Guard to Buy? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Info Wanted, Which Brush Guard to Buy?


Well-Known Member
December 3, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Farmington, Maine
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Bronco XLT
I'm looking to purchase a euro-style brush guard for my
1993 explorer. I've gotten quotes on smittybuilt and go rhino - both for 389 and a manik for 409... Which one do you all prefer, taking into consideration price, looks, and construction? Any suggestions on where to find lower prices? Thanks for the info

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I'm not sure if you can mount a winch on either of those.... I like my WARN trans4mer combo.... but if you are looking for looks and not utility....the Manik is cheaper but the Go Rhino is probably the better value...


i've got a manik and i love it. it looks great, and after five years, still looks new. i think that says alot for quality

I got a 2nd quality manik from their outlet for $236 + $75 shipping. A few dings and scratches no problem for me.

anyone out there who's got a smittybuilt or go rhino??
So far manik seems to be the most popular....

Manik Brushguard

I Have a 99' with a Manik guard. I am not sure what they look like for your explorer. but i know mine looks badass and has a spot for a winch plate and lights
Go Manik

i have a Go Rhino on my '98. In my opinion it the best one. It looks great and it functions great. Theres a step on the front of it so u can work in your engine compartment. Also it has rubber strips on the front to prevent scratching other vehicles. Which ever one u choose, make sure that it bolts on to the bumper and the frame (some models only bolt on to the bumper, which is useless). Shop around for the best price, I paid 300 for mine at a local parts store in Jersey.

I've have been shopping quite a bit, but I live in Maine, so there aren't too many places that sell these types of things... even pep boys had nothing (no suprise ). What I have been able to find seems really expensive, like 390 for a smittybuilt, I'm considering going with a guard from the manik outlet. I'm just kind of wary of its condition. If anyone knows of a site or a store with low prices that will take phone / internet orders, please, let me know!

here is the indide info

I am currently a asst.mngr at a tranny shop but,i was ashop mngr in Arizonas #1 truck accessory dealer .And we sold just about every brand of grill guard . Manik is the best built and strongest ,its one piece and fully welded . Waag is almost as good but weaker in the cross tubes also thier mounting brackets. Go rino is alot of pieces all bolted together ,but look cool .Manik is made in Australia and those blokes know thier ROO BARS

Go Rhino

I've had a Go Rhino on my '93 since about '94 and I'd have to say NO RHINO!!! The two major pitfalls of the Rhino that I have are:

1. It was WAY too low in front, severely limiting my approach angle.

2. It didn't bolt to the frame: a necessity IMHO. They may have corrected this MAJOR flaw by now, but check to make sure!

Because of 1 & 2 above, Truckhaven ate mine, a week after I put it on! Brought it home in the back of the Expl.,, out came the sawzall, cutting torch, arc welder, and I SEVERELY modified it. It now has a winch in it, is much higher from the ground, has heavy plates direct to the Frame etc. I spent more money and effort than if I had just bought two of the best available!

Just my $.02

I just got a grille guard from for $250, and I love it. It is identical to the most of the grille guards, just a lot cheaper. You can't order it online however, you have to call them. It was a great deal, and looks awesome. (I have a '93 as well) Just my .02
