Is everyone on ebay an idiot? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is everyone on ebay an idiot?


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Ashland, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT 4x4, 4.0L!
I'm selling a ford 6-disc cd changer on ebay. This guy with the user ID is 'Portorangehome':

I E-mailed him and said:

Dear portorangehome,

Your currently the highest bidder on my item, if you win are you going to pay for it? if not, no big deal I will cancle your bid. I just checked out your feedback and it doesn't make me feel very secure.

Thank you,

His Replies:

#1 - well i was planning on it what wrong with my feed back but if you dont want me to have it then please feel free to cancel i am sending this to e bay also but if you cancell let me know so i get another

#2 - after thinking about your letter i dont feel you will sned the item after i send you the money so feel free to cancel that bid i have send all letters to ebay if you dont cancell and i win you going to mail item out but feel free to cancell i think that sorry of you so have a good day and hope you dont sell it

THEN, he proceeds to send me two attachments which were immediatley blocked by outlook for being 'unsafe' lol and has another user ID just created today and just bid on my item. What is our world coming to?

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yeah...ok...stupid people are all over the place.....

Yea, the guy was a kinda jerk....................

But, to be honest, your original email to him was kinda jerk-ish also..............

How did you think he would reply to your mail?

i do agree with robb that the inital email did seem kinda like "you are a deadbeat, and are you going to pay for it?" however, if he has multiple negative feedback, there may have been a pattern there, and he is just tring to CHA

And he talks like an idiot. As for Outlook, M$ made some update that automatically blocks attachments. Gotta uncheck that box in preferences.

Originally posted by jimabena74
i do agree with robb that the inital email did seem kinda like "you are a deadbeat, and are you going to pay for it?" however, if he has multiple negative feedback, there may have been a pattern there, and he is just tring to CHA

His feedback is why I e-mailed him, if he didn't have a 75% feedback and selling a counterfiet coin I wouldn't have worried about it.

By the way here's the dupe accoutn e-mail he just sent to me... I don't think they are the same people lol:

Yes I think i can be Worked with and looking forward to many happy buys on e bay I have seen so much t v commercial about it and have friends that buy on here so i am so excitied about this Thank your Truly Dale

I would not want to spend any extra money to send out $5.50 either. Plus the guy did not have western union as method of payment. His feedback seems decent enough.

Originally posted by Garth
I would not want to spend any extra money to send out $5.50 either. Plus the guy did not have western union as method of payment. His feedback seems decent enough.

"At this time I can only accept money orders, cashiers checks or bid-pay, NO PERSONAL checks or PAYPAL"

If thats not clear I don't know what is, I'm sure he would have accepted a postal money order also. But not just cash in a letter.

This is decent enough:

This is not :

I still think you came off pretty rude in that initial e-mail, you could've done something along the lines of...

"Hello, I see that you've bidded on my item and are the current high bidder, thanks in advance! I have looked over your feedback and are concerned... etc etc etc"

In my eyes, you presented yourself a little elitist. I think both sides though in this case need to chill and just move on. Just a bad apple.

^^^ I agree with him, you didnt give the guy a chance. But you were concerned.

I think the e-mail was fine. I have had my fair share of deadbeat bidders on eBay. I usually just report them to eBay and with my complaint + many others, the user gets temporarily suspended (or in one case of a guy with about 60% feedback) permanently banned.

On eBay, it's important to protect yourself first. It's too easy to lose money and items.
