Is it worth fixing rocker panels? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is it worth fixing rocker panels?

I'm going to be selling the explorer soon because we don't really use it anymore since I got my truck (hasn't even had enough miles put on it for a change of oil in the last year). The main flaw with it is that the rocker panels are really rusted out. The drivers side is literally half gone, and the passenger is a little better. I have found repair rockers to fix the problem and with shipping I'm looking at about $100 to get them to my door. From what I am seeing, for how much explores are going for around here I'm wondering if it makes sense for me to repair them before the sale, or just sell it as is. Any thoughts?

If the outer rockers are gone, than the inners are gone too and you have to make them.
If you are able to do the work yourself and that is all it needs for a safety, then I'd say fix it so you can sell it safetied (if safeties are required in Iowa) If you have to pay someone else to do it, you most likely wont get your money back for it in the sale so sell it 'as is'

No vehicle inspections in Iowa. You can be stopped for "fix it tickets" but those are usually for lights, or excessively cracked windows you cant see through. Also, somehow the inner rocker panel seems to be solid.
