Is the Explorer 5.0 V8 more rare than other Explorer models? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is the Explorer 5.0 V8 more rare than other Explorer models?


June 2, 2015
Reaction score
Pismo Beach
City, State
Pismo Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT 5.0 V8
A few times during the 13 years I've owned my 5.0 V8, friends or mechanics have balked when I told them my Explorer was a 5.0 V8 - saying that there was "no such thing"...some of them didn't believe me until I popped my hood.

Also, a lot of parts companies (like Kragen, O'Reilley's, etc) don't have the V8 XLT listed in their parts look up software.

So, is the Windsor 302 5.0L V8 uncommon?

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No maybe they just don't know much lol. They're more rare or scarce than the v6 models, but mechanics should definitely be familiar with them. Oreillys does have the xlt 5.0 in parts lookup as I use it all the time and have the same truck.

Haha, thanks. I was just in O'Reilly's a couple months ago and the guy couldn't find it in the list - maybe he just missed it.

it seems like the ohv v6 is more rare. All I hear or see about is the sohc v6 or the v8

I'm sure they're out there, but I've never met another Explorer owner with a 5.0 V8, but I've met quite a few V6s.

Some people on this forum own 3-4 5.0s so theyre def. not as rare as you're thinking. I guess it depends on your area. Very easy to find around here, just not low mileage.

Some people on this forum own 3-4 5.0s so theyre def. not as rare as you're thinking. I guess it depends on your area. Very easy to find around here, just not low mileage.

Yes, I'm one of those multi-V8 households. Not rare at all. I'd say at least 1/3 of the Gen II Ex's/Monty's I see for sale are 5.0's. only way to go as far as I'm concerned.

Koda, do you currently own 4 in your household?

I've got three and a ohv v6 in my driveway now and I fixed and sold three v8s over the last year

I've got three and a ohv v6 in my driveway now and I fixed and sold three v8s over the last year

Then Ill ask you what I was going to ask Koda also: Was there any issue that you saw across all or most of the v8s you've had/sold? Also, how noticeable is the power difference on 2wd compared to awd?

Just basic maintenance issues , but I personally don't care for the awd system, mine all have been or are in the process of being converted to selectable transfer cases and manual hubs , I prefer the feel and have gained an average of 4mpg, and the added benefit of less wear and tear on the drive train

Koda, do you currently own 4 in your household?

I purchased and maintain all of them. My two daughter's each have one, I drive the '01 Eddie Bauer and my wife and I both drive the '00 XLT (the spare truck). My son-in-law drives the '97 SOHC V6, which has turned out to be a reliable $1400 vehicle over the past 12 months, but I would have preferred to have gotten him a V8. BTW: He's the only one whose paid me back.

Pretty much just regular maintenance. I find the V8's and their automatic transmissions are pretty much bullet proof. Not so the SOCH v6's. other than that, Gen II's have a few weak points, but are minor and easily, inexpensively fixed if you're an DIY'er. The biggest parts I've replaced so far have been fuel pumps and radiators, and those are not unique to the V8's. I don't care for the AWD either. It was sold as a RWD, and no one noticed it was an AWD. We don't need the AWD where we live, so for me it just adds unwanted weight and complexity. Still, haven't had any issues with it in 2 years other than axle seals.

The few times I've been to Autozone to lookup a part I have noticed that when I say 98 explorer three engine types come up. Each has a corresponding VIN code and a percentage. Mine is VIN X and (if I remember correctly) states 21% of vehicles. I dont know where this number comes from.

Just basic maintenance issues , but I personally don't care for the awd system, mine all have been or are in the process of being converted to selectable transfer cases and manual hubs , I prefer the feel and have gained an average of 4mpg, and the added benefit of less wear and tear on the drive train

I understand the selectable transfer case a\nd I plan on converting my all wheel drive V8 Sport Trac, however what is the reason for the manual hubs?

It allows for true 2wd , I'm not turning the front half shafts differential or driveshaft on the street

I have 2 V8's myself, but I do agree it seems that a lot of people when it comes to Explorers have no idea they ever got a V8. Probably because there are way more V6's out there and people never consider the Explorer a performance vehicle so assume it has a V6.

Also people probably associate the Ranger and Explorer in the same category and one would assume the truck would get the V8 before the SUV. However the Ranger never got the V8, so maybe this throws people off?

BTW most enthusiasts will probably go for a V8, so you'll probably see a lot of V8 owners on here which may throw your results in the real world.

BTW most enthusiasts will probably go for a V8, so you'll probably see a lot of V8 owners on here which may throw your results in the real world.

Makes perfect sense to me.

koda2000 said:
BTW: He's the only one whose paid me back.

Haha, good son!

On a side note, one of the things I love about my V8 is that it's always had lots of torque. It's part of the reason I've kept it - it's 15 years old, but still drives like a champ.
