Is this a good price for a 2000 LTD? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this a good price for a 2000 LTD?


Explorer Addict
September 19, 2001
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I found a 2000 limited black, grey interior, v6, full option except for a tow hitch which he put on, 36000 miles. for $20,500. and price is negotiable. Should i go for it? i was lookin for a v8, but i want more of a street x, and hoped to put on a blower in the future, but i hear the v6 is faster off the line and better gas mileage. should i keep lookin for a v8 or get this one? is this a good price?

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Get a V8 model IMO. You don't plan to fourwheel it do you? Try to find a 2WD v8 model.

Go for the V8 if you want a fast street X. People tend to mix apples with oranges when they say the V6 is faster off the line. They are usually comparing a much lighter Xsport vs a much heavier 4door X since the V8 only comes on the 4 door. But I think you are comparing 4 door vs 4 door. In that case the V8 absolutely smokes the V6 4 door. (at least in my experience)

Good luck.


lol frank.. i was contemplating goin out west cus there seems to be so many more available X;s out there,, but they all have so many miles. but the drive back home would be killer.. dont really want to drive 3000 miles back. but if it comes down to it.. maybe.. hehe

Jimmy that price if you can. Carmax has a 2K Limited with 28K for $20,500. I'd work of at least .20 mile, that's what they'd do to you if you were trading.

Here's a tip:

I've had mine in the recycler and photobuys for over a week (that's over $100 in advertising) and I've gotten NOT ONE CALL! ! ! Grind 'em down lower.
The BMW dealer said he'd "push it" and get me $16k if I traded (I'm not).
I used to sell cars - offer 16,500 to 17,500. call back in 10 days to 2 weeks - it will still be there, and make the same offer again.

It's not a hard vehicle to find.
Most people get buried in their car (payments) when they get too emotional. If it sells from under you, there will be another one.

thanks frank.. this car is pretty much everything i want. it is a full option ltd. except it doesnt have the v8 that i want and has the load leveling suspension,which i dont want. i found a few ltd with a v8 from dealers, but im from ny and the one i found is in penn.. too far, and buying from a dealer is a bigger hassle.. taxes, all that paperwork.. etc.. hopefully like u said this car isnt too hard to find.
