Issue with 4x4 buttons 02 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Issue with 4x4 buttons 02 Explorer

December 19, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Rhode Island
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer
In my 02 explorer, I’m not sure if my 4x4 buttons to the right of the radio work. As far as I can tell, they don’t light up to indicate what mode i’m in or anything when I press one of them. If there is any other way to tell what mode i’m in or if the buttons even are wired up i would be happy for anybodies input.

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On my vehicle, the 4x4 buttons are on the left of the radio, so I'm guessing you have an upgrade model from mine. But when in 4x4 auto, there is no light. When in 4x4 'high' or 'low', there is an idiot light on the dash that shines. The buttons don't light up at all.

When do you remember them last working, or is this a new to you truck?
I bought it used about two years ago so i haven’t had too many winters i’ve really needed 4x4 so i haven’t worried about it

On my vehicle, the 4x4 buttons are on the left of the radio, so I'm guessing you have an upgrade model from mine. But when in 4x4 auto, there is no light. When in 4x4 'high' or 'low', there is an idiot light on the dash that shines. The buttons don't light up at all.
Mine is an eddie bauer so i’m not sure if that matters but i’ll mess around with it to see if i have a light on too. Thanks

The 02 and 03 systems had a 4x4 control module which controls the 4wd system, later used the PCM. When you click the 4High button, you won't hear anything but there is a 4High light on the dash, but when you select 4Low there is a 4Low light on the dash and on the button. You can hear an internal relay click on the control module IF you shift it at a stop (or less than 5mph) in Neutral. It will not make the change for 4L into or out of unless basically stopped and has to be Neutral. The light on the 4Low switch will blink in 2 scenarios, shift in progress OR waiting to see Neutral and stopped. The module will time out after a few seconds if it is in scenario 2.

If you are concerned over the system not working I would check the fuses for the module and torque converter. While it is possible the bulbs in the dash burned out it would be awefully coincidental if both the high and low ranges burned out at the same time. On the late 02+ instrument clusters the 4x4 High and Low indicators are actually LED so illumination failure on those is very uncommon.
