It just followed me home (version 2)! | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It just followed me home (version 2)!

I have no goddamn idea, but it was the only non-gloss black at my little local hardware store. :D

Hmm, I had a camo colored flash light once, but I took it camping, put it down and could never find it again.

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On that.. I still have to decide where I want to mount my flashlight. I picked up the bracket kit the other day...

What the hell does Ultra-Flat Black Camouflage look like?

I have no goddamn idea, but it was the only non-gloss black at my little local hardware store. :D
Aww man this thread is killing me. Lmao

Great job on the painting! I love how it came out. I know the phrase is way overused, but man does that look original. Neat!

Great job on the painting! I love how it came out. I know the phrase is way overused, but man does that look original. Neat!

Thanks! The radio surround is all scratched to hell and back, so, paining that is next on my to-do list.

Hmm, I had a camo colored flash light once, but I took it camping, put it down and could never find it again.

Good point. I hope I don't drop my keys when I'm camping. :salute:


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Good point. I hope I don't drop my keys when I'm camping. :salute:

Duane, if you painted that you have way too much time on your hands.

i attempted to sand off the weird rubbery stuff on my dash, it did not end well, so i bought vinyl cover instead *LOL*

Duane, if you painted that you have way too much time on your hands.

LOL! Saw it at a trip to Autozone and had to have it!

LOL! Saw it at a trip to Autozone and had to have it!

**SIGH**, they have all manner of goofy covers at your typical auto parts store. I saw a neon pink one of those at Advance Auto Parts the other day.

... I did not purchase it. 1. My remote door locks aren't working for some reason, and 2. Just.... no.

You can get those cheap on eBay, or better still an entire remote w/circuit board instead of just a shell and button pad.

I'm pretty sure my remote works... I put new batteries in it, but the truck still doesn't react to it. I tried putting the truck into programming mode, and it would not do so.

The keypad on the door doesn't light up either (I dno't know the code for it, and haven't gotten around to getting it off the module in the back). I'm wondering if that entire system hasn't gone **** up.

I've got an aftermarket remote door boopityboop kit lying around... I may just install that.

Duane, if you painted that you have way too much time on your hands.

**SIGH**, they have all manner of goofy covers at your typical auto parts store. I saw a neon pink one of those at Advance Auto Parts the other day. ... I did not purchase it. 1. My remote door locks aren't working for some reason, and 2. Just.... no.

<Harumph> My compatriots!! :( My brothers in the fraternity of Explorers!! :mad:

Here, I bare my soul and post a pic of my precious camo-keyfob and all I get is grief!! I am deeply disappointed and saddened by this disheartening turn of events. I shall now slink off with my prize fob, and perhaps now think twice about posting pix of my new headlight eyelashes!! :eek:


I was gonna say put a battery in but you've already done that, so the easy thing is out the way. I'd check the fuse TBH, sounds like you've popped a fuse, that or one of the modules has given up, mine works perfectly other than the pad, the pad doesn't work

The power door locks work off of the keyholes and interior buttons. Is the remote and keypad system (or systems) on a separate fuse?

TBH, I don't actually know for the 96 year, I'd imagine there is a possibility they could be seperate, take a look in the fuse panel, I generally start there.

Got new tires on the front wheels, as the old ones were worn really un-evenly. Turns out the alignment was entirely outta whack. Got that sorted out as well.

Also had all four re-balanced to sort out a wicked vibration in the 50 - 70mph range.


I spent some time lying under the truck today, and took the light bracket off the front, for a few reasons. I relocated the driving lights down inboard of the fogs. The big spot lights are going to get moved up to the roof. That bracket seemed like a good idea, but it jiggled far too much for my tastes, and stuck out too far.


Still on the to-do list:
- Peel and paint (instead of Dip) the grill (some of the plastidip got peeled off by the big spots when I nudged the wall in a parking garage)
- Fill holes in bumper
- Paint the bumper (blaaaaack!)
- Put the spotties on the roof
- Try not to lie down in bird poop while doing all of the above

You'll grow to love the green interior, I did :)

As much as a loathe to admit it, Colin was right... I've grown to like (but not necessarily love) the green interior. It's slowly growing on me. ...sort of like a fungus.

The power door locks work off of the keyholes and interior buttons. Is the remote and keypad system (or systems) on a separate fuse?

RAP module talks to the remote and keypad; it is on a different fuse - locks are on fuse #6 (30A) and RAP is on fuse #12 (25A), both in power distribution box under hood. Good luck.

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Thanks for the tip! I'll check those fuses later.

In the mean time, I got my flashlight mounted. It's behind the drivers seat, on the B pillar:



It doesn't interfere with the front seat, the rear seat folding down, or the seatbelt.
