Its a Boy! Now I need project ideas to do with him. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Its a Boy! Now I need project ideas to do with him.


Well-Known Member
March 8, 2006
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Moody, AL
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02 Explorer, 09 Mazda 5
Just found out that we are having a boy. That really got me thinking about my dad and all the fun we had doing house projects and flipping houses together. I'd like to do some of the same stuff with my son, just need to see what all you guys have done with your boys. Its a definate that we will fish together (need a bigger safer boat), but I was thinking about doing a mild build of a BII with him over the years. It would be his when he's old enough. What all have you guys done?

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oh man I found out Dec 18th we are having a boy also! due April 24th
when my wife said shes prego I said "toyota or Ford"

turns out its a Ford!

We flip houses too!
what a small world

My future spotter/driver/tool helper is on his way!

congrats! I am sure by the time he is 8 I will want to start building his first truck LOL
ATV and snowmobile by 4? is that too young? LOL

I just had a boy too (oct 16th)
I’m planning on doing some sort of build for both my sons and my little girl
I want all of them to enjoy working on vehicles and have the know how to fix most problems. I don't have any major plans yet but we will see what comes down the pike.

BTW Congrats to every one!

Stic-o was born between Championship races, never missed a race. By the time he started to walk he could be found under the car along side Zukman, discussing how and what to do next, both up to their armpits in grease! lol
Fast forward 30+ years not much has changed, except the little Stic-ette is now in the jr position! Good times.

I'll know the gender of mine in 4-6 weeks, if I have a boy it's projects around the house and car stuff :thumbsup: not sure what to do if it's a girl, I guess I'll just have to figure it out... hehehe

I'll know the gender of mine in 4-6 weeks, if I have a boy it's projects around the house and car stuff :thumbsup: not sure what to do if it's a girl, I guess I'll just have to figure it out... hehehe
You can build doll houses!

Well, SVO and the kiddo are restoring his 79 Ford Mustang Ghia for him to drive (OMG, my kid will be driving in less than 9 months :confused: ) for his first car. They are fixing to pull the drivetrain out so the engine can be resealed and replace some original parts that are still on the car. :eek:

All I can say about me and my Dad is that he helped me enjoy the outdoors by taking the family water and snow skiing, camping, and all that good stuff. Plus he made sure that before I left for college, I knew how to change a tire. I couldn't leave until I had changed all 4 tires on my car...:D Now I know more about cars than he does. :p:

oh man I found out Dec 18th we are having a boy also! due April 24th
when my wife said shes prego I said "toyota or Ford"

turns out its a Ford!

We flip houses too!
what a small world

My future spotter/driver/tool helper is on his way!

congrats! I am sure by the time he is 8 I will want to start building his first truck LOL
ATV and snowmobile by 4? is that too young? LOL

Thanks. 410 that ws quick. you guys were married just little while ago

um yeah married July 31 prego Aug 1
We were planning to wait 1 year, OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!

Girl is no different, my wife could be a model but shes also a tomboy, so just because you have a girl doesnt mean they dont like modding cars/trucks, in fact they have quicker reaction times!! My wife is all about guns, atv's, snowmobiles, turbo's, old iron, video games, so dont let gender stop ya!
we were actually hoping for a girl (she already has 3 boys) but ultrasounds CLEARLY shows BOY! LOL took 4 seconds of ultra sound, he was "showing off" according to our doctor :)

Is it to early to buy a wakeboard and start building a custom kids snowmobile?

My sister is going to be having a baby the due date is march 8th. Its going to be my first niece.

I got 2 nephews already. So now its time for a change and have a niece now.

Congratulations to everyone! I hope that you guys will post baby pictures when the time comes. I have one son that is always interested in whatever I'm doing. He's very curious. You guys should start thinking about putting up baby gates, cabinet locks, outlet protectors, and keeping all of your tools out of sight.

Congratulations to everyone! I hope that you guys will post baby pictures when the time comes. I have one son that is always interested in whatever I'm doing. He's very curious. You guys should start thinking about putting up baby gates, cabinet locks, outlet protectors, and keeping all of your tools out of sight.

Growing up we never had that in my house, yet I was never electrocuted, never rolled down the stairs, or got poisoned from drinking toilet cleaner, was I just lucky? or are people "over protecting" I'm curious, I'll have to check stats online to see if it's really an issue hehe, but I guess when the time comes I'll be doing all of those things :confused:

Over on I saw a thread about a 4 year old girl tig welding. So, that's my plan. :p: She was really pretty good too.

Something to think about and a good excuse to invest in a tig! :D

.. and congrats!!

Originally Posted by 410Fortune
when my wife said shes prego I said "toyota or Ford"

What kind of statement is that

Simple in our house the boys all have Fords the girls all have Toyota's
So when we found out she was pregnant I wondered which one we would be building :)

Im 35 years old, all my friends have kids, I have seen first hand what happens to a house when there is a toddler, Yes you need to do all those things! Everything in the house goes up 2-3' at about a year old!
I am glad we waited, we are so blessed!

Ya I didn't up up all of our kid proofing stuff for the kid it was for our sanity. lol

And I can remember playing around in the back of the family station wagon on long trips, not even in a seat!

good times :D

um yeah married July 31 prego Aug 1
We were planning to wait 1 year, OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!

Well we now know you had fun on your honeymoon:D

we waited 3 1/2 years for this one. Due date is May 20. Much to do before he gets here.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys.

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