I've got woman problems.......HELP!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I've got woman problems.......HELP!!!!

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
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Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
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Ok this is a little embarassing....................How did your hubby ask you to marry him? Or for the singles.......How would you want "that guy" to ask you?

I'm going to ask my girlfriend to marry me for christmas but I ain't gotta clue of how to do it. So far the only thing I have is the ring and thats about it. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!

Oh and ssssshhhhhhh she can't find out either.:nono:

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I know I'm not a girl...Or anyone that should be talking about marriage, but...

Congrats man! And good luck (although I'm sure you don't need it ;) )

Let us know how it goes!

Do the good ol santa claus thing... well maybe not it's a bit cheesey, but it's got novelty. Hmm, I really don't know.

I feel a little strange writing in this forum but it's for a good cause so here goes. This might sound a little cheesey but it worked for me.

Ask her out to a nice restuarant and set this up with the waiters ahead of time. During dinner don't mention anything about marriage. At dessert time have the waiters bring out a dozen roses and the ring. Then get down on one knee in front of everyone and pop the big question. While you kneeling have the waiter take pictures or better yet a video of the whole thing. When I did it many years ago I got a sobbing yes, a standing O from the other customers and a free bottle of bubbly.

Congrats and I wish you the best. Hope this helps. By the way if you decide to do it make sure you post some pictures.


Thanks everyone!!!!

Tom, thats a pretty good idea. I'll have to remember that one. And I'll post pics of everything!!

hey, im not really terribly creative; sorry i dont have any ideas for ya, but just wanted to say congrats :bounce: :D and good luck (though, like twotonefordexpl said, im sure you wont need it.)

Fakrwee's idea made me wish i would have done it like that, it's perfect, damn it!

If you're going to do it in such a public way, be 100% sure you know what her answer will be, BEFORE you ask her!:eek:

I already know her answer. We talked about it about 3 months ago and she said that she looks forward to spending the rest of her life with me.(What is she thinkin!!!) I'm not to sure I want to do it in a public place but I need some good creative ideas. Like Toms idea. I'll do it like that if I decide to do it in a public place. She would crap:fart: her pants if I did it that way.

I always joked around that I would just walk into the living room and set the ring on the table and say " Want to?" And thats that. I figure she is the one for me and I want to do something really special for her. I'm no good at the romantic stuff, thats why I need some ideas.

Come on ladies one of us menfolk is trying to be romantic here, help the man out.
If you leave it up to us to give him advice you know we'll screw it up somehow.

an idea

Get a big box, not too big, and fill it with balled up newspaper. Put the empty little box for the ring in it somewhere. Wrap it up like a present and put it under the tree. Keep the ring hidden in your hand or pocket or something. Stand behind her when she's opening the gift. As she's pulling out all the old newspaper, she'll probably look back at you so act normal. When she gets to the little box and finds there's nothing in it, be on your knees with the ring in hand. Then away you go!

Just an idea.

This is what I did this past Sept. Get one of those Bridal or wedding mags, you know the real thick ones. Cut out a pocket inside the mag just big enough to put the ring in. Sit down with her and have her look through it. Tell her you saw somthing interesting in it. When she gets to the part with the cut out, presto.

Ann Landers eat your heart out!

Tom Fakrwee

congratulations and good luck to you POTATO

This worked great for a friend of mine.
Take an ornament hook and attach it to the ring and hang the ring on the Christmas tree with all the other ornaments, not in a very visible spot though. Then wrap a box for her with a note inside saying that her present is on the tree. At this point she starts searching the hell out of that tree. She finds the ring, big smile, and they all live happily ever after.

You can choose to do this alone or with the whole family around, up to you.


my cousin and his girlfriend were softball freaks. so to ask her, he slipped the ring into one of the fingers so it would slid right on when she put the glove one. you could do that with just about any glove. not terribly romantic but an idea. when i asked my girlfriend to date me, we were in a somewhat peculiar setting. when i pop the question, i think i'll recreate the scene. whatever happens...congratulations!

wow some of the guys on the board are really creative and romantic the women however must not care, I really like some of the guys ideas but womens input would hurt. Come on ladies where are you???

By the way CONGRATS!!

oh man, I could've used this when I proposed. All I said was(over the phone) "I got you a ring.":D

Good Luck BTW!

Sorry, just saw the thread.

If you don't want to do it in public. Then set up a scavenger hunt in the house. Have the first clue as she walks in the door. Make sure somewhere in there she follows a trail of rose petals (you know we love roses). End the hunt in the bedroom or whatever room you can set a mood in. If you have a fireplace use that room. Your last clue could be something like stir the fire and have the ring hanging from that fireplace tool. If you use the bedroom have the little box on the pillow with rose petals all around and lots of candles. Some chocolates always add ambiance. I did this to Rick one Valentine's Day and there were little trickets all along the way.

Obviously, you'll have to get home before her and set this all up or if you don't live together you'll need an accomplice to let you in her place.

Good luck and Congratulations!

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Man oh man, you guys and gal are life savers!!!! Those are some great ideas. Now I have some options!! Thanks a million people!!! Keep them comin though.

Man I just realized something. HONEYMOON!!!

What do ya think? Moab, Rubicon, Attica, or AZ for a week. Anyone around these places think they can keep me busy for a week?
