Jammed CD in 6-disc in-dash changer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jammed CD in 6-disc in-dash changer?


November 10, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Grand Rapids, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer
I was putting a CD into Slot 6 last night and as the player grabbed it I noticed a post-it note had gotten stuck to the bottom. My reaction wasn't quick enough so now the CD is jammed in the player. I tried to reach in with a pen cap but it seems like the CD is 'grabbed' by the player, but the paper is preventing it from moving since it's blocking the center hole. Any ideas to remedy this without a trip to a dealer?

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I had the same, I took a metal cooking pin bent the sharp end into a hook, slid along he cd until the cd hole, hooked it and pulled out.

Done that a few times now and is now a permanent tool in my box!!

if your handy and the other trick doesn't work, it does come apart easily. There is only two screws a side and a ribbon cable then will come apart. Once you get it apart the cover come off.
Or you can send it in, i found a company on fleabay that did the repairs for like $80, but i only sent in the CD changer.
below is a pic of the insides of a '03, minus the radio


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This thread makes me want to go out and learn how to use my 6 disc CD changer. I figured it out once but I forgot after that.

Thanks for the help guys. With the assistance of a coat hanger bent straight with a small hook on the end I was able to fish around in there and get the CD out eventually. No idea if I did any permanent damage but I loaded CD's back in and they played so I'll call it a victory.

As far as using the CD player, you just hit "Load", then select the CD slot that's free. Same to eject one, "Eject" then the CD slot.

A coat hanger?! it took me like 15min to disassemble, clean, re-align the tray and re-assemble; way better than jamming a coat hanger inside...

A coat hanger?! it took me like 15min to disassemble, clean, re-align the tray and re-assemble; way better than jamming a coat hanger inside...

I've never done anything remotely close to removing a stereo in my life. I'm coming up on 130k on my explorer, and I guess I just didn't give a crap. It's been a great ride, but now that all the random stuff is starting to go wrong I don't have a ton of patience. Regardless, probablem is fixed with no apparent damage so I'll stick with the coat hanger.

I've never done anything remotely close to removing a stereo in my life. I'm coming up on 130k on my explorer, and I guess I just didn't give a crap. It's been a great ride, but now that all the random stuff is starting to go wrong I don't have a ton of patience. Regardless, probablem is fixed with no apparent damage so I'll stick with the coat hanger.

hahahaha! GOOD ANSWER!!! really though....it worked....and you didnt have to pull the stereo. and besides what did you have to lose?....a stock stereo....oh no. glad you managed to get it working again

Well at 130K it still is really young, my 97 is well over 200k and if it wasn't because it has no reverse it would be a very reliable vehicle, I'm currently fixing it
Maybe the random stuff has started to go wrong because you stick coat hangers where they shouldn't be? hahahaha LOL
J/K of course

I hit load and select a slot but it always comes up no CD. Ill have to sit down one day and just try, Ive dont it before and I can do it again.

Alex disconect the HU for a moment, that should reset it and hopefully it will work again

Well at 130K it still is really young, my 97 is well over 200k and if it wasn't because it has no reverse it would be a very reliable vehicle, I'm currently fixing it
Maybe the random stuff has started to go wrong because you stick coat hangers where they shouldn't be? hahahaha LOL
J/K of course

Well you win, I tried ejecting CD's today and it wouldn't. I'm going to mess with it again tonight, minus the coat hanger of course, and see if it's just needing to be reset due to it being confused why it thought a CD was inserted but is not there now. If that doesn't work it might be time to find a used one on E-Bay or something. Anybody know if the 2006-2009 types fit in the same sized slot?

look for a post on how to disassemble your current one, I read it and was done in ~15min, the tray fell off it's track, so it wouldn't do anything, you just take off some screws un-clip a conector put the tray into position and re-assemble.

I have a 2006+ HU in my 02, I just needed to get a reverse harness, I got it off of ebay for 100USD shipped, and it reads mp3 cds, and also has SAT in (I didn't buy the extra equipment to have the sat enabled).

So yes, it'll fit OK, jut make sure that the mounting type is the same (2 screws at the bottom vs spring clips on the sides)

I've been searching all over this forum and the audio one to find a post that showed a step-by-step for removing the head-unit and I can't find anything. Also, how do you go about cutting the power to the unit as some have suggested to 'restart' it. I don't want to sink a ton of money into this if it's as simple as just unplugging something for 20 minutes. Can't thank you enough for the help and humbly promise never to cram a coat hanger into my CD player again.

jad2411, did you get the single cd or the the one with the changer? my 6 disc changer just hit the crapper & i wanted to upgrade to the 06+ headunit. i have the rear sub also.plus how much was the harness.thanks

I got the 6cd mp3 capable in-dash changer
The harness IIRC was ~6USD

Just an update, tried ejecting the CD's again this morning and they all came out. I think i do have a software issue that just needs a hard reset but I think I'm going to wait until my next oil change and just have a tech show me exactly how the trim piece comes off, etc. I rarely listen to CD's anyway. Thanks for the help.

Alex disconect the HU for a moment, that should reset it and hopefully it will work again

Thanks, It worked for me yesterday. I usually use my iPod so its no big deal if it works or not.

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