Joe Dirt's 2000 Ex-El-Tee "Deuce" | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Welcome to the registry for Wedgie 2.0, who has been affectionately named "Deuce"

From Shad's info to save keystrokes:

Here is the run down:

2000 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0L - AWD
Deep Wedgewood Blue
Gray Leather
Yada, yada, yada...


  • Transmission rebuilt at 160,000 miles, and filled with synthetic
  • Lifted 2" in front with torsion keys
  • Lifted 3" in back with Add-a-Leaf and Warrior Shackles
  • New Superlift shocks at 166,000 miles
  • 31" x 10.5" tires
  • As much rust as some southern trucks- she's clean...

Interesting fact- it was an XLT fitted with air-ride shocks from the factory. System was disabled with the kit and shocks were put on to avoid costly repair.

Next to Wedgie:




Today 1/28/11 was the first car wash.


And yes, it needs to be cleaned... :D


Um... This is going to be my biggest challenge to date.





But it's going to be fine. It's an incredible place to start- the steering wheel isn't even gummy or rolled. I'm very pleased with the canvas... :thumbsup:

Anyway, after the car wash, I snapped some pics for starting point reference.
So, here are our obligatory before pictures...






Door seams always oiled


Hatch looks brand new as well!


Nothing on the rocker seams ...but a paint chip :D


Rockers nice. No rust even at the back- just grime and ice. I think the mudflaps really helped...


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They did integrate with the North Vietnamese Army but I'm not sure what lube they used.

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Hahaha You lie G.I. Had to watch out for the nog's way back when


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It didn't do it at all, and the truck had been sitting since Friday night.

You gave the x the weekend off and it healed itself!! Lets trade!
I think mine has a vc or cv issue...I was hoping yours needed more than just rest...Now I need to figure out whats up with mine.

Best line ever in a movie:

"The ones that run are VC, the ones that stand still are well disciplined VC"

What movie and what scene? Go....................................:popcorn:

Apocalypse Now?....and the scene? F***, I'm not even sure of the movie! Got to try and remember me '
Nam flick's, platoon, full metal jacket? Da Nang it.

You got it- FMJ... My favorite military movie from the recent era...

Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P.

I agree with FMJ

It was like two movies in one. While in Boot Camp, which was pretty close to to being real. Oh the memories!!! Then in Vietnam.

LOL, I use to wonder just how they thought up the games we played!!! And they had some good ones!!!

Didn't do the bearings, they were fine. Seal was blown out on one side. Replaced both of those, and filled the rear diff.

How did you determine the bearings were still good? I know I have a leaking seal. I was just going to replace the bearings while everything was drained and unbolted.

You got it- FMJ... My favorite military movie from the recent era...

Joe is, of course, correct. One of my favorite movies of all time.

It was like two movies in one. While in Boot Camp, which was pretty close to to being real. Oh the memories!!! Then in Vietnam.

Whenever people ask me what boot camp was like I tell them to watch Full Metal Jacket.

I couldn't help but laugh when you mentioned boot camp. I had flashbacks to building Mount Suribachi in the squad bays.

How about the full military funeral for the sand fleas that got smacked because your buddy couldn't stand them boring a hole in the back of his head?

LOL, I use to wonder just how they thought up the games we played!!! And they had some good ones!!!

Good times, good times.

Enjoy the clips ladies.................................


That's the most expensive jelly donut in the world, right there.

Brings back memories Lynchy. 1-2-3-4 I love the Marine Corps! Good times I tell ya, good times!

:D:thumbsup: I could do with some of disiprin these day's.:thumbsup:

You and me both mate.


Hahahaha classic mate, read me mind! hahahaa, I do, I do rack disiprin. I rack disiprin so much I now need to disiprin me rack:D


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See everyone in a week or so...



Here we go, kids... (Not bad for an hour and 10 minutes...)



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How did you determine the bearings were still good? I know I have a leaking seal. I was just going to replace the bearings while everything was drained and unbolted.

Honestly- they showed no signs of overheating, binding, or anything. Still- replaced. As you're doing, since you're in there, I'd just replace them anyway...
