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junkyard 4.0 sohc

I don't know about the exhaust killing me because I at least still have the cats in and I think I actually gained 1 or 2 mpg. when I did it, it flows SO much better. And I constantly monitor my mpg, the CEL hasn't changed anything so far. If we are talking a matter of 10km then who gives a darn. But yes yall are right, some people just get better mileage. And yes, the SOHC may have power, but it is definitely a POS motor.

As sport said: "back to our regular programming"
Oddball101 what was your decision on the 5.0 swap?

My decision.. the 5.0. I suppose I am fortunate because I have an 01 edge (torsion bar suspension) which basically makes the 99-01 year range a direct bolt in if I have my facts straight. That was my main issue with the 5.0 was the valve covers sitting on the firewall. I like a good clean stock look and I didn't feel comfortable with the motor not having any room to "squirm". I even suppose that at this point I am willing to massage the firewall if need be though.

What holds me up is that there are only a few of them in the junkyard right now and they have all been ratfu***d, missing things like the lower intake and parts of the wiring harness. It seemes the 4.0 sohc is a dime a dozen in there though but I imagine that is because of what everyone else is saying, they are most likely blown. I have no problem rebuilding a motor, I just don't want to have to get into replacing things like the crank and whatever else that may have been affected.

My only real decision with the 5.0 now is whether or not I want to go manual or auto. I have a writeup that I found of a guy who did some rewiring to make the tranny think it was in neutral the whole time but I'll have to re-read it again to see how he overcame the 3000 rpm rev limit with his auto pcm.

I also see people have also spoken about a 6 speed that can be used and that "really" perks my interest. I definitely would like to learn more about that.

3.73's or 3.55's for mileage is my only other thought. My understanding is that the explorer rear end gearing doesn't come with LSD below the 3.73 gear ratio meaning that 3.55's may just not be worth it for me to upgrade..

But ya, all in all, the 5.0 has my vote now. It's just a matter now of how I want to work out the details.

*edit* I think in the end, the guy who did the auto to manual tranny swap ended up getting his pcm flashed to remove the tranny functions. I'll re-read it now and check for sure.

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2005 to 2009 Mustangs came with the very same SOHC 4.0
they are even more plentiful than Explorer ones due ro the sheer number of crashed Mustangs and they have all the timing chain upgrades.
I picked one up for $300 with 35k miles..
Swapped my 160k noisy one for the new one last winter,
no problems

Nice, that is a solid deal man. That is good to know because if I cannot find the 5.0 I'm looking for before my patience runs out, I will certainly be going for the 4.0. I do like the motor. I suppose we will see. I just have to quit listening to those damned youtube 5.0 ranger exhaust clips.. I could write a love song about the way the sound.

well if you stay with the v6, a low mileage '05 mustang is the only way to go.

Also, as of 2002 (3rd gen) Ford fixed all of the SOHC timing chain issues by updating the hydraulic tensioners and putting metal backing onto the guides. So if you can find a complete engine from a 2002 plus all the wiring you will be set and not have to worry about timing issues.
not really ive got a 05 with bad guides 167 k
