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Just a question???


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Cameron Park, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XLT
I was wondering if anyone has ever had a problem when they shut there x down and start it a number of times like when running arons. When i drive, then shut it down, then start it up, over and over again it will start to die out when I first start it up. If I try to give it gas to keep it running it will just die out. It only happens if I have already started it a number of times before. Any ideas?

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fuel pressure regulator?

It's been going on for a while but it is very unconsistant.

It maybe running a bit rich at times also. After researching thr fuel regulator it sounds like this is what it could be. Any othr suggestions???

Its not always but at times the exhaust smells rich. Like if I'm reversing into my own exhaust.

Sorry to bring up a dead thread, but now that my trucks back on the road again this problem is starting to happen more often. I cleaned the MAS, IAC, TB, added some fule system cleaner with premium gas(only run premium) And the problem is still there. I will change the fuel filter next, then spark plugs and wires. If that doesn't fix it could it be the fuel pump relay or maybe the fuel pressure regulator? Also the fuel pump was replaced about 2 years ago.
