Just put in 180* thermostat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just put in 180* thermostat


Well-Known Member
October 13, 2008
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Kansas city
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Eddie Bauer 4x4
After replacing the water pump a couple weeks ago, she would still run a little warm while sitting at idle on a hot day. I had no idea how old the existing thermostat was, so I decided to replace it (should have done it at the same time as the water pump.). Went ahead and got the 180* to make sure it would stay nice and cool. It's about 85* out right now, and after letting it sit running with the a/c on high, this is what it looks like.


I'd say it was a success, but only time will tell for sure. My only real question is:
Is this too cool to allow for decent heat in the winter?

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My mechanic said the 180 thermostat will give poor fuel mileage, he recommended the 195 which will actually keep the motor at optimum temperature for better combustion. He actually has tried both and those were his findings. I went with the 195.

Higher temp thermostat is better for these engines, that's what they came with from the factory. You should be warmer than that, up to the N or O in NORMAL, especially in Florida. Does it go warmer when driving? If so, it could be fine.

Your correct in that you should have done it when doing the pump. Most shops won't touch a water pump without doing the TStat at the same time.

I too would recommend going with the 195.

I'm not sure if it goes any higher. I'll find out tomorrow afternoon. If not, than I'll pick up the higher temp one, and throw it in. It's not a big deal, I just thought I would give it a shot. There are several others running the 180, with no ill effects. This was idling on the lawn this morning for 20 minutes. We'll see what happens when I'm sitting in traffic with a temp of 93 outside tomorrow.

Track your mileage. My 04 while driving is right at 195-197, up to 213 when sitting at a long light when it's hot.

So you'll probably be at or around 180 at most times, maybe 198 at a long idle on a hot day. This means you'll never be running at the desired temp.

If your mileage doesn't go down, then let it be. Track and report back.

I check my mileage on every tank, so I'll know immediately. The only reason I went this route was because when I sit at idle the temp will rise to about the A. Not only do I feel in my mind that that's too warm, the a/c doesn't blow nearly as cold when the temp gets that high. If this doesn't fix it, or my mileage takes a big hit, my next step is a new fan clutch. I'm sure the one that's in there now is factory, and worn out.

A is a bit high on the gauge. Not horrible but it doesn't leave much room for more extreme conditions. New fan clutch would be a good idea as well.

I probably will regardless, just as a precautionary measure. We're about to take a trip up to the smokies, then down to Louisiana in a few weeks, and I don't want any surprises. Still have a few other things to take care of as well, but getting the temp to stay consistent is priority one.

pick up a new blade as well. You should have the 10 blade, had to order it thru NAPA as they only stocked the 9 blade.

The blade cracks where it joins the round center. They'll cause a bit of damage when they come off. Look at either side of the blade at the base. This is the stock blade with 139k +/-.


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I had that happen years ago with my ranger, and I made sure to check this one when I did the water pump. Surprisingly, it's in really good shape. Is the ten blade really that much more efficient than the nine?

Really not much of a difference while driving 60mph for 20 minutes.


Nothing wrong with a 180* me personally i like a cooler tstat..if your worried about miliage you probably shouldnt drive a first gen..the drop in mpg i think would be aoo minor and probably impossible to fully blame a tstat..

One thing i will say is i HATE safety tstat..they suck!!

While it's no hybrid, I think it does alright. I consistently get about 19.5 in town, and 22 highway. Mixed is usually right around 20. Not bad for a quarter million miles.

I had to also replace my water temp sending unit as the gauge kept reading lower and lower. After changing to new sender gauge reads around the r in normal.

After driving it around during the heat of the day today, and letting it idle for a while in a parking lot, the gauge went up to the O and stayed. Never got any warmer, and my a/c blew nice and cold the whole time.

Sounds good to me then :)

After driving it around during the heat of the day today, and letting it idle for a while in a parking lot, the gauge went up to the O and stayed. Never got any warmer, and my a/c blew nice and cold the whole time.

After replacing the water pump a couple weeks ago, she would still run a little warm while sitting at idle on a hot day. I had no idea how old the existing thermostat was, so I decided to replace it (should have done it at the same time as the water pump.). Went ahead and got the 180* to make sure it would stay nice and cool. It's about 85* out right now, and after letting it sit running with the a/c on high, this is what it looks like.

View attachment 303903

I'd say it was a success, but only time will tell for sure. My only real question is:
Is this too cool to allow for decent heat in the winter?

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I have a 91 EB.
I live in southern california and I run a 180 degree thermostat. My gauge looks exactly like yours.
I also have an aftermarket mechanical temp gauge and it shows that my actual temp is generally around 180 but goes as high as 200 on hot days under heavy load.
When I had in the 195 thermostat, my temp went as high as 220 and that scared me.
I consistently get 17.5 mpg regardless of thermostat, Let me know if your mileage is any higher than that.
